Records set not only athletes. In the world there are many exceptional creatures and objects, striking their characteristics. A separate category are those that fit the definition of "the highest."

Tallest tree

The largest tree in the world is named Hyperion. This huge evergreen sequoia, which received its title in 2006 and still carries it. People are looking for dendro-giants because the trees themselves do not suspect that they are participating in the competition.

The giants include trees that reach a height of over 60 meters. There are not so many of them on the planet and most of them belong to ordinary spruce and mountain pines. They reach 70 meters. Lawson's mock cypress can grow up to 80 meters. Fir trees also grow huge:

  • noble;
  • Norman fir;
  • Douglas fir.

It is not surprising that the representative of the Douglas fir breed ranks second in height. He was called “Doerner Fir” and the tree reached 99.5 meters.

Royal eucalyptus can grow up to 100 meters. But in the top of the giants are evergreens and giant redwoods.It is the evergreen redwoods Hyperion. The plant reached a height of 115.6 meters. If you measure the trunk at 1.5 meters, then its thickness will be 4.8 meters. The evergreen giant is over 800 years old. During this time, woodpeckers damaged the top of the tree, which significantly slows down further growth. Despite this, Hyperion remains the record holder by the criterion of height among the trees of the planet.

The highest building

The highest building in the world is recognized as the Burj Khaliif. Its height is 828 meters. The structure itself resembles a stalagmite. The opening of the Burj Khaliif was held in Dubai in January 2010. The building has 163 floors, and 180 meters is accounted for only one spire crowning the building. The first name of the building was “Burj Dubai”, but soon the name was changed to the current one “Burj Khaliif”.

Tallest man

The highest living person ever is a native of Turkey. His height is 251 cm. His name is Sultan Kesen and he is 35 years old.

But in history he did not become the tallest man. In the Russian Empire there lived a man 285 cm tall. Fedor Andreevich Makhnov called him. He weighed with such a height of 182 kg, and his foot size was so large that a child of 12 years could get comfortable in his boot.

Fedor was born in 1878. His homeland was the village Kostyuki of Vitebsk district. Now this region belongs to Belarus. At birth, the child was so large that his mother died in childbirth. His grandfather took all the trouble of bringing up the boy. Already by the age of 8 it became clear that the child was growing much faster than his peers. At the age of 12, the boy reached a height of 2 m. With an enormous size, an unprecedented strength came to the young man.

A German circus leader passing through a village noticed a boy and persuaded his relatives to let him go to Germany. At the age of 16 Fedor began to learn German and master the circus art. In 25 years, the guy reached his maximum height. He bent the horseshoes and in other ways showed his strength to the audience. After 9 years, the hero became a wealthy man and returned to his homeland. Here Fedor married a village teacher who bore him 5 children. Makhnov passed away only 34 years old. The cause of death is still unknown.

Tallest animal

Giraffes are considered to be the tallest animals on earth. They appeared on earth 25 million years ago. The habitat for them is grassy and wooded savannah, which are located in the south of the Sahara throughout Africa.

The necks of especially large individuals reach 2.5 m. And the growth can be more than 6 m. Due to the stunning neck, the whole giraffe’s body is arranged in a special way:

  • the heart of the animal is very powerful;
  • unique circulatory system;
  • special valves in the blood vessels of the neck;
  • porous tissue under the brain;
  • specific respiratory system.

The neck of a giraffe consists of 7 vertebrae, but they have an unusual elongated shape. It is believed that such a neck appeared in an animal in the course of evolution, when during drought and famine it was necessary to extract water and leaves from distant points. Newborn giraffes can not boast such a long neck, but over time it begins to stretch and quickly reaches the level of adults.

Highest waterfall

Angel, Kerkpakupai-Meru means "Waterfall of the deepest place." This is the highest waterfall in the world. Its height is fixed at the level according to various data from 979 to 1054 meters. Water continuously falls from a height of 807 m.

This unique natural monument was named after the pilot, James Angel, who flew over the water mass falling from a height in 1933. It happened in the tropics of Venezuela, Bolivar. The uniqueness of the place is also in the fact that water, falling from a great height, is sprayed on the smallest particles and turns into a fog at the foot of the waterfall. This fog can be seen at a distance of several kilometers.

Tallest tower

The tallest tower in the world, like the tallest building, is located in Dubai. The first stone was laid on October 11, and construction should end in 2024.The result is a tower that is 100 meters above the famous and previously mentioned Burj Khalifa skyscraper.

The tower will be similar in shape to the minaret, which symbolizes the fusion of modern technology and Islamic culture. The structure is unique in its engineering solutions. The tower will be equipped with viewing platforms, cafes, restaurants and other tourist points. Balconies will be extended from the facade of the building. Everything together should be a symbol of the country and attract even more guests. The purpose of the building is decorative.

Highest country

Nepal is the highest country on the planet. It is located in the mountains. Lovers of esoterics, meditation and Tibetan healing are seeking here. From here the easiest way to get on the Roof of the World is Mount Everest.

The capital of the country is Kathmandu. Slightly less than half of the country's territory is located at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. The lowest point is at 70 m.

Tallest statue

The highest statue on the planet remains the Buddha of the Spring Temple. The figure depicts Buddha Vairochana - the personification of wisdom. The statue itself is located in the Chinese village of Zhaotsun. Construction giant ended in 2002. Its height reached 128 m. The construction was erected on a pedestal at 25 m. Together with the additional steps that appeared in 2010, the construction reached 208 m, which allowed the object to take its place in the Guinness Book of Records.

To make a statue it took to use 33 tons of copper, as well as 108 kg of gold. Also included were 15,000 tons of special steel. The cost of the construction is estimated at 55 million dollars, and the Buddha himself at 18. The building is also the largest active bell in the world.

The highest bridge in the world

In the south of France is the highest bridge in the world called Millau. The maximum height of the stand reaches 343 m, which makes the building higher than the Eiffel Tower itself by 20 m. Severe climatic conditions caused a long construction of the bridge - 13 years. In total there are 7 supports in the construction, its length is 2.5 km, and its width is 32 m.

The highest mountain in the world

Two objects apply for this place at once:

  • Everest;
  • Mauna Kea.

Everest is located in the Himalayan mountain system. It is considered the highest point on the earth's surface. Its highest point is at an altitude of 8848 m above sea level.

At the same time, the extinct volcano Mauna Kea from the foot to the summit has a height of 10203 m, but it is 6,000 meters recessed in the Pacific Ocean and its visible part is slightly more than 4200 m.

Each of the objects on the list is amazing. Their sizes are impressive, and the place in the history is deserved.


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