Ardent followers of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition unconditionally follow the sensational rules and principles in this area, even without suspecting that most of them are far from the truth. So, what are the most common myths?

1. A lot of vitamin C will protect you from colds.

Truth: Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, but does not protect you from the flu.

2. Man uses only 10% of the brain.

Truth: And in fact, some areas of the human brain are still unknown, but one way or another, each of them performs vital functions.

3. The more water you drink per day, the better.

Truth: Most foods, especially fruits and vegetables, contain water. And if you do not want to drink, you do not need to choke with ordinary water - this is a big burden on the kidneys.

4. Hair becomes gray from stress

Truth: Scientists have not proven that because of a nervous day, our hair turned gray. It all depends on the human genes.

5. Coffee is harmful to health.

Truth: A couple of cups a day of flavored drink will do no harm, and on the contrary, they will improve your overall well-being. And only coffee lovers should control the amount of coffee consumed, since its excessive consumption increases excitability.

6. Sweat free from toxins.

Truth: Thanks to sweat our body cools down. And only salt, water, electrolytes - its true composition, and nothing to do with toxins!

7. Reading in dim light distorts your vision.

Truth: Only by looking at the sun or the beam from a laser will you really endanger the eyes. With poor lighting, they tense up and get tired of it, but their vision clearly does not suffer.

8. Waking up a lunatic is dangerous!

Truth: There are legends that supposedly anxiety of a lunatic in the process of a night journey threatens him with a heart attack. This is pure fiction! But nevertheless, it is better to carefully put a sleepwalker in bed.

9. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on brain cells.

Truth: Under the influence of alcohol, brain activity is only slightly slowed down. Strong drinks destroy connective cells, but our brain is able to regenerate.

10. Roasted chocolate and acne

Truth: The reasons for which acne occurs may be mass, including cosmetics, high humidity and sweating.

11. Fresh vegetables, berries and fruits are healthier than frozen ones.

Truth: Fresh food, having lain on the shelves of the supermarket for a long time, loses its beneficial properties. In ice cream, all the vitamins and minerals are saved, but only in those who recently picked them from the beds and put them in the freezer.

12. Coffee sobering

Truth: A person becomes sober only when alcohol is completely removed from his body, and caffeine only deceives the brain.

13. The computer is the first enemy for the eyes.

Truth: Studies have shown that radiation from monitors is completely harmless to the human eye and is very small.

14. Brown sugar, unlike white, is much more useful.

Truth: That white, that brown sugar the body perceives equally. The only difference is that the color of brown gives molasses, in which the minimum amount of vitamins for your body.

15. Sugar consumption makes children overly active.

Truth: Children are inherently hyperactive, regardless of whether they eat sugar or not.

16. When brushing your teeth, quality is important, not number of times.

Truth: Do not try to deceive yourself! Dentists are unanimous in the question that teeth should be cleaned at least twice a day - after breakfast and before bedtime.

17. Cancer is incurable

Truth: Oncology is more than 150 types of tumors with locations in different organs, and each of them requires its own way of treatment. Therefore, a specific cancer drug a priori can not be.

18. Sugar - the main cause of caries

Truth: Here the reason is not so much in sugar as in the duration of its action on tooth enamel. Therefore, a piece of chocolate is less harmful than a long process of enjoying candy. But only if you immediately rinse the mouth!

19. The absorption of ice cream with a cold will aggravate the disease

Truth: Dairy products do not increase the production of mucus. On the contrary, soothe the throat and give energy to fight the common cold. This is a fact proven by scientists.

20. Give preference to low-fat foods.

Truth: Another marketing trick. In fact, skimmed products instead of natural healthy fats give flavor artificial additives, sweeteners and flavors.

21. Clean your ears with cotton buds.

Truth: Q-tips are not safe for hearing, as they push sulfur even deeper.

22. Alcohol warms

Truth: It does not warm, but expands our vessels, creating an instant sensation of warmth, which passes very quickly.

23. A cold shower will help you sober up.

Truth: It will not help! In addition, the risk of hypothermia increases. The only remedy is time.

24. Hair care products improve hair condition

Truth: The components of the hair shaft are dead cells of protein. During why hair is not updated in principle.Air conditioners only temporarily make them softer and silky.

25. From fat food get fat

Truth: Do not get tired of repeating the golden rule - it's not about fat, but about the amount of calories eaten. In addition, experiments have shown that diets with sufficient intake of healthy fat contribute to weight loss and improve your health.

26. Organic products exclude pesticides.

Truth: When growing allegedly organic fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to fertilize them with special chemicals, which, if they are abused, bring even greater harm to the environment than synthetic ones.

27. Antibiotics can cure a cold

Truth: Antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses. A cold is just the same viral disease

28. In the veins of the blood blue

Truth: Veins, shining through the skin, seem to us blue, but the blood is nothing to do with! Depending on the oxygen saturation, it can be dark red or bright red.

29. From frequent shaving the bristles grow faster and thicker.

Truth: The ends of the regrown hair are narrower than those of the roots. Therefore, after shaving hair appears thicker. And their root thickness is constant and depends entirely on the genes, and not on the amount of shaving.

30. Breakfast is the most important principle of proper nutrition.

Truth: It is important the number of incoming calories in the body and a balanced diet for the whole day.

31. Caution! Eggs have cholesterol

Truth: Senseless slander of a valuable product! Eggs are a storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins and harmless cholesterol.

32. Accidentally swallowed gum is not digested for at least 5 years.

Truth: Indeed, chewing gum is not absorbed by the body. But this does not mean that in it it will linger for a long time. The digestive system does not recycle, but displays it in its original form.

33. When contacting toads, a person may have warts.

Truth: Roughness on the skin of toads is caused by glands in the cervical region. So the myth of warts is meaningless. They appear due to viruses.

34. Stress is dangerous hypertension.

Truth: Stress briefly raises the pressure. Insomnia, poor diet and a lot of alcohol - these are the main causes of the disease!

35. Do not crunch fingers, it threatens with arthritis!

Truth: Nitrogen escapes while joining joints. This process is absolutely safe.

36. Men think about sex every 7 seconds.

Truth: Most likely, this myth is just an exaggeration of the fact that was established by the Kinsey Institute - 55% of men attend sexual fantasies every day.

37. A heart attack is accompanied by sharp pain.

Truth: a person does not notice 50% of attacks at all. But even this pain is not sharp - it resembles heartburn, toothache or an unpleasant sensation in the hand.

38. Honey is much healthier than regular sugar.

Truth: Science has proven that honey has the same effect as corn syrup. However, confectionery products contain much more sugar, therefore, more harmful and calorie.

39. The gene, because of which the hair gets red color, almost disappeared

Truth: This gene is recessive and in order for it to disappear forever, all its carriers must die, leaving no descendants behind.

40. Sex before a competition affects the result not in the best way.

Truth: Not so much energy is spent on sex. And if we talk about men, he can even play for their benefit, and testosterone contributes to this.

41. Half-hour swimming after eating provokes cramp

Truth: There is no evidence to justify this myth. Its origins appeared in 1911 from the instructions for boy scouts.

42. A regular breakfast contributes to effective weight loss.

Truth: Lack of breakfast is not the root cause of weight gain. What matters is how regular and what exactly you eat for breakfast and during the day.

43. Each section in the language is responsible for a different perception of tastes.

Truth: To dispel the myth, it is enough to put sugar on different zones of the tongue. Sweetness will always be felt.

This theory arose after an incorrect translation of the material by the German scientist Hanig.In his article “On the psychophysics of taste sensations,” the reality is that each section of the language has its own degree of taste perception.

44. To protect the body when ingested toxic substances can vomit

Truth: It sounds convincing, but you should not make hasty decisions, but rather go to a doctor. After all, the poison is usually alkaline and often acidic in nature. Our stomach is so full of acids and it is easier for it to overcome a foreign substance, unlike lung and throat with vomiting.

45. The human body with frequent use of antibiotics becomes immune to them.

Truth: It is not the human body that produces resistance to various antibiotics, but bacteria.

46. ​​In public toilets, you risk getting an infection.

Truth: Another unjustified horror story. The three main causes of infection are sex, genes, blood transfusions.

47. There is nothing terrible about licking wounds.

Truth: Surely, by cutting a finger, you immediately lick it. The action is not only senseless, but also unsafe - the microbes from the mouth cavity directly enter the wound.

48. Tilting your head, you stop the blood from the nose

Truth: This is a dangerous mistake! In this case, the bleeding will go to the throat, which causes a gag reflex. It is necessary to hold the nose, leaning slightly forward.

49. Eat often and slightly.

Truth: The statement is controversial. After all, the body should not be in a constant process of digesting food. A sufficient break between meals allows the cells to clear themselves of decay products. That is why temporary fasting is very helpful.

50. Milk strengthens bones.

Truth: This is a long-time refuted myth. Scientists have shown that there is no link between milk consumption and the strength of bones and joints. On the contrary, the older we get, the less dairy products should be included in your diet, and atoms should be completely discarded.

51. Avoid cereal 3-minute cooking

Truth: Better avoid sugar in their composition. And processed cereals are completely safe for your figure. The main thing is to know your norm.

52. An apple a day - and you forget about the doctors

Truth: Apple is a storehouse of vitamins and fiber, but not a panacea for all ailments.

53. Gluten - a direct route to obesity.

Truth: This myth makes sense when a person is passive and uncontrollably absorbs not only bread together with bread, but also other simple carbohydrates. So do not be afraid of gluten, if you have the right diet!

54. Cut back on saturated fat intake.

Truth: Proper consumption of meat products, butter and cheese is not only harmless, but also lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol.


Believe only those facts and principles that have really been scientifically proven as a result of numerous studies and experiments. Otherwise, you can follow all your life not so much the right "healthy lifestyle."


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