The popular singer of the 90s, the author of numerous hits “Vagabond boy”, “Liza”, “I dream of you”, “Winter-cold”, “Girls as the stars” - Andrei Gubin, today is not that light-hearted handsome man ran crowd of fans. A serious illness has drastically changed his life. Now he rarely goes to the public and practically does not appear on television.

The other day, Gubin became the main character of the TV program “Live broadcast” with Boris Korchevnikov and told new, unexpectedly shocking details of his life - about an incurable disease and attempted assassination.

A little biography: Andrei Gubin's childhood

Russian pop singer Andrei Gubin hails from the city of Ufa, where he lived here until he was 8 years old. In 1981, the family moved to Moscow. Andrei's father was engaged in science and at the same time worked as a cartoonist for publications of many magazines. In the latter, his son was a loyal assistant - his pictures were highly appreciated by the editorial staff of the then popular magazine Crocodile.

In school, Gubin was fond of chess and football.For a while he even played for the Moscow youth team. But the unexpected happened - the guy broke his leg and the sport had to be left.

Being a high school student, Andrew firmly decided that he wanted to become a journalist. He gladly described interesting funny situations that happened in school. However, after an unsuccessful interview with a popular musician Andrei Makarevich, Gubin realized that journalism is not his.

In the end, the future life and career of the guy decided to associate with the music. Together with the music, he began to write poetry and by the age of 14 had collected a decent amount of lyrics.

Music and creativity

The first song of the artist has become an absolute hit. Gubin wrote the song “The Vagabond Boy” while he was still in the seventh grade. And the public first saw the artist in the program "Up to sixteen and older."

In 15 years, Andrei Gubin recorded the first album - “I am a homeless”. And after graduation, the singer entered Gnesinka vocal department. However, after the 1st course Gubin was expelled for non-attendance. He was not at all interested in learning, since the academy welcomed leveling, which hindered the development of a creative personality. So, the artist has not received a musical education to this day.

At 18, Gubin recorded the second album “Ave Maria”, and in 1992 he was followed by the third one - “The Prince and the Princess”, but he never came out, because there was no money for his release.

The real popularity came to the artist after performing at the contest called “Slavutych-94”, where he sang the same author's song “The Vagabond Boy”. Some time later, Leonid Agutin received a proposal for the professional arrangement of this work, after which the composition The Vagabond Boy became a super hit and was in the top of all the music ratings. Just for the first time in Tver, at the studio of Agutin, the album “Boy tramp” was professionally recorded.

So, Andrei Gubin became the most popular Russian pop singer. In 1998, his new hit “Winter-cold” appeared, after which an album entitled “Only You” was released. He fell in love with fans and critics and musicians. And then followed the fans, touring, the love of the public and the sea of ​​flowers.

Attempt to create in Canada

At the beginning of 1999, the producers of the Western recording company (Radisson) in Russia had a chance to hear Gubin's album and they offered him cooperation without hesitation. The musician went to Canada, where he recorded works in both Russian and English. But I didn’t like to create abroad, and soon Gubin returned to his homeland. On the trip, only one song was invented - "I dream of you."

Until 2008, during the successful musical career, many more hits were created - “Cry, love”, “It was, but passed”, “Runs away summer”, “Dancing”, “Be with me - leave”, “Such girls as stars "And so on.

The final brainchild of the artist is the album “The Best” (2008), in which there was only one novelty - the composition “Lena”.

The personal life of Andrei Gubin

Along with a lull in his career, sunset came in his personal life. Andrei Yulia's beloved Beretta (former member of the Strelki pop group) left the singer. Recall that Gubin was also her producer. But still, Andrei and Yulia maintain a rather warm relationship.

In general, in the personal life of the artist was not lucky. Long relationship with the girls could not save. According to Andrey, his popularity is to blame. It was she who was used by the ladies for whom he had feelings.

out of work

In 2010, Gubin could officially be considered unemployed, which caused a nervous breakdown. And before that, he produced the show of Catherine Gordon, but after a while the radio host began to pursue a vocal career.


Departure from the scene Gubin explains a serious illness. More than 10 years ago, he was diagnosed with left-sided facial protopalgia - a disorder of the nervous system, in which a person feels a constant facial pain. Doctors say that the constant overwork, lack of sleep, stress have become the cause of the disease. In such a situation, the artist does not think at all about marriage, children and the creation of a family.

Attempt on Andrei Gubin

A trip to Sochi almost became fatal for Andrei - he got into an accident. To meet a taxi, which Gubin rode, a car suddenly jumped out from around the corner. There was a collision, but, fortunately, everyone remained alive. Commenting on this case, the singer is sure that it was an attempt. And he categorically denies the possibility of the development of persecution mania in the background of the disease.

“I’ve remembered the subordinates in my address since I’m 21 What are you doing? Let live in peace! Do you think I do not know what makes my black lines on my face? I understand exactly why it hurts, ”says Andrei.

Andrey Gubin: photo 2024


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