Citrine - (Spanish topaz) is a famous mineral that was discovered by scientists in the late 17th century, after which it was used for incrustation of royal necklaces, rings and crowns for a long time. Currently, the extraction of yellow-lemon stone is produced in the USA, Brazil, Madagascar, Spain and the Urals. It is worth noting that in nature it is not easy to meet, therefore with the help of amethyst and quartz crystals artificial stone production is made. Citrine is a semi-precious mineral with strong healing and magical properties.
Translated from Latin, citrine is a lemon, the name is fully justified, since it is such a shade of a stone with high strength and density. Jewelers often use this stone when creating jewelry, as it has an attractive appearance and an original shade, changing from lemon to caramel color.
The intensity of the colors of the mineral depends on the impurities of iron oxide and their quantity.In nature, this stone is usually translucent and uneven in color, and since it is very rare and of great value, it is usually fake by artificial means.
Citrine and its magical properties
As you know, this mineral has amazing magical properties that can manifest itself in almost all spheres of human life. First of all, this stone attracts material well-being and good luck, therefore, it is often taken with itself during financial transactions. Citrine also helps in risky situations, while maintaining the peace of mind of its owner.
This mineral helps a person to distribute his strength, helps in creative and career endeavors. In ancient times, he was considered a philosopher's stone, so only respected people wore it. Another magical property of citrine is that it is used as a charm, protecting it from snakes and scorpions, evil eyes and bad people.
Medicinal properties of citrine
For a long time, this stone was used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the stone favorably affects the brain and its activity, strengthening the body entirely. Yellow is the color of luck for a person acting on the chakra located near the solar plexus. If you wear jewelry with citrine, you can stabilize the nervous system, getting rid of stress and depression.
For maximum accumulation of all the hidden forces of the stone, experts recommend constantly carrying it with you, thus, it will affect your health and destiny. It is best to find and purchase an amulet with this stone, and it is possible to determine the strength of its energy charge by color — when the strength of the mineral ends, it dims. To enhance the healing and magical properties of a stone, it can be worn with pearls, pomegranate, jade or hyacinth.
Who is suitable citrine on the sign of the zodiac
Citrine is a bright, colorful and attractive mineral, which seems to glow from the inside, radiating sunny shades. As mentioned earlier, this stone has tremendous magical power. As for the signs of the zodiac, it can be used by all the signs of the zodiac, with the exception of Scorpios. The stone has a tremendous hidden power that allows you to establish communication with the spiritual realms of human life. This stone is able to influence its owner, and therefore can become a real amulet and talisman. At the same time, citrine is the best assistant in making difficult and fateful decisions.
This mineral is not recommended to use too open, honest and fair people, as they can disappoint citrine. At the same time, the stone gives cunning, which is especially important for people involved in financial activities (businessmen). For each zodiac sign, gem affects in its own way, so it increases its potential depending on who owns it. Some astrologers do not recommend the constant wearing of this stone, as it has very great power and does not always have a beneficial effect.
The effects of citrine on different signs of the zodiac:
- Aries - for people born under this sign, the stone is favorable, at the same time enhances the perseverance of its owner and increases his life potential. Since citrine has a great magical effect, it can be used during financial transactions, because using citrine is easier to negotiate with people and find a common language. Also this mineral awakens the oratorical abilities of its owner.
- Taurus - for this zodiac sign of citrine also has a beneficial effect, improving the creative and organizational skills. This stone affects its owner, disciplining his behavior, thus expanding the life capabilities and potential of the person.
- Gemini - as you know, by its nature, this zodiac sign is prone to deception, so the stone makes people more cunning, capable of adventures and financial fraud.The stone gives a special magic power to more honest and fair Gemini, giving them the happiness that citrine attracts like a magnet.
- Cancer - people with its help become more tolerant and magnanimous, which strengthens the bonds of marriage. Citrine also helps in achieving goals, directing the energy resource of a person in the right direction.
- Leo - for this zodiac sign of citrine is not the best choice, as it strengthens both positive and negative character traits. Suitable for power Lviv, occupying leadership positions, as it affects their spiritual development.
- Virgo - improves the financial situation of people born under this sign of the zodiac, awakening their organizational skills.
- Scales - career success.
- Scorpio - suppresses the power that gives a person the sign of the zodiac, causing discomfort. Scorpios wear citrine is not recommended, except for rare and temporary wear.
- Sagittarius and citrine - a harmonious combination. Stone allows you to acquire powerful friends, guaranteeing success in all your endeavors.
- Capricorn - helps to achieve goals, not strayed from the right path. At the same time, a stone ignites a person’s faith in his work, becoming a faithful companion on the road to success.
- Aquarius - allows you to achieve goals that previously seemed impossible.
- Pisces - this zodiac sign is rather “slippery”, therefore, the stone is recommended only to honest Pisces, because it will help them in work and relationships, becoming a powerful source of life potential.