Winter clothing with a hood is very practical, especially in the Russian winter. It perfectly protects from the wind and retains heat around the head. But if you decide to supplement your image with a dream, then you need to think carefully about the combination of this accessory with basic things.
Snud is a wide long scarf, the ends of which are combined. At first glance, a simple design decision turned into a stylish accessory, which, with the proper combination, can replace a hat, scarf or vest.
Stylish snudy 2024 made of wool fibers, knitwear, fur, etc. A new type of scarf put one of the most important questions before fashion-mongers - what to combine with a dream and what kind of outerwear to wear.
In our review, we present the most current sets with a scarf-LIC and give valuable advice on the choice of down jackets for this accessory.
Simple tips on choosing a scarf
Snud, as an alternative to a hat and scarf, should be in harmony with outerwear as much as possible. The most stylish looks is a snud rolled up by an eight.To do this, fold the scarf in half and put the resulting double ring on your neck. The upper part should cover the head, and form a volumetric gate from the lower part. Some models are too short and narrow, they just throw on the head.
Long tails are easy to adjust with an elegant brooch with large stones or a secret loop. In this case, the scarf turns into an elegant headdress - a hood. This method is applicable if you wear outerwear without a hood. Snud does not cling to him and easily stretches his head.
Another thing if the down jacket or coat is made with a hood. This kit looks quite voluminous, so the combination with the dream will look extremely unfortunate. But this does not mean that you need to permanently give up sleep. It is enough to know a few tips from stylists and your image will look irresistible.
Hood can be of various sizes. If in your model it is small and not voluminous, then it can easily be hidden under the wind by straightening the ends over the shoulders. In this case, the scarf will resemble a cape.
With a voluminous hood, this trick will not work. Snud combined with a large hood will create a hump effect on the back, which definitely will not add beauty to your image. One can get out of this situation only in one way - to wear a snood under a hooded down jacket partially hiding it inside. The clasp of the jacket does not need to be tightly fastened, creating free space around the throat.
How to put a snud under the hood
Whatever your outerwear - leather jacket, down jacket or coat, the hood imposes significant restrictions on wearing a scarf. It does not matter where and how you will place it - on the head, shoulders or neck.
Snud instead of hats
Despite the voluminous and free cut, the sleep can be used instead of a cap, even in the most severe cold. Choose knitted or knitted models from dense knitting with the addition of natural wool.
You can wear snud both with the raised and with the lowered hood. This combination is suitable for everyday casual and more youthful images with a bright contrast scarf.
If your jacket has a volume hood, then choose for yourself a model of medium length, which either does not fold at all in two layers, or it folds up into a dense figure eight. This snood is tucked inside the jacket, the edges are stretched along the neck, and the upper part is located on top of the hood.
Snood instead of scarf
Many women of fashion are not ready to completely trust the shoes and completely abandon the usual warm hats, so they are more often used as a scarf. The combination of a jacket or coat with a hood and a scarf-look looks very elegant and attractive. A minor accessory will not only protect your throat from wind and cold, but also give your look coquetry and charm.
When creating images with a scarf-LIC, follow the same tips as with the LIC-cap. It should be worn either under the hood, if it is small and not voluminous, or on top of outerwear. In any case, choose a model of neutral shades. They are easily combined with jackets, coats, parks and down jackets. Lacks look no less stylish in the “military” palette - khaki, plum, gray.
Two ways to wear
There are 2 ways to wear a scarf, regardless of the length and color of the model:
- under the jacket
- over jacket
If you wear snood "under the jacket", then you should first wear a scarf, and then outerwear. Visually, such an ensemble looks very laconic, and if you pick up suitable colors (contrasting and bright), the image will look beautiful and harmonious.
Lay the snood around the neck, turning it into a tight ring or figure eight. Try not to hang the edges of the accessory. To do this, straighten them on the shoulders or secure with an inconspicuous eyelet. You should get a "column", tightly clasps the neck.
To create a stylish urban look, choose models with decor or fringe around the edge of the product. It is clear that you should not hide such beauty, therefore the ends of the bed should hang casually from under the jacket or lie on your shoulders.
How to wear snud under the hood
Especially attractive is a set with a snood with a harmonious color combination of this accessory with outerwear. They must echo not only a shade, but also a pattern or ornaments.
Snud over the jacket is worn in two ways - over the hood or under it.
If you decide to wear a snood under the hood, then first put on the jacket, fastening the fastener to the end, gather the snood into a figure eight or tight ring and put it on top of the hood. Spread the edges of the product on the back and shoulders.
Another way. If you have a loose loose knit volume, then you can easily hide even the biggest hood under it. Just gently fold it and hide under the numerous folds of the shoe. In this case, the scarf should be different in color from the outerwear.
Snud is a universal accessory that, in addition to the main function - protection from the cold - is able to visually correct the shape. For example, women with a fluffy bust need to pay attention to the small tight knit fabric, girls with large hips will wear a scarf with large weaving. If we talk about color, then the best option would be to choose a Lens two or three shades darker than a jacket or coat.