New Year's holidays are the most long-awaited and bright days of the year. Each of us plans to spend this time bright and unforgettable. What days will be days off in January and February 2024? This is a very important question for many, as the New Year holidays are the longest of the year and the Russians are planning not only to spend them with their families, but also to go to rest abroad or visit relatives in other cities.
Who and how much will rest decides the Government of the Russian Federation, which on October 14, 2024 provided a Resolution, which approves the schedule of weekends and public holidays in the coming year.
Weekends in January 2024
The so-called “Winter holidays” quite recently provoked discontent of many Russians. After all, most of the month they spend at home, which affects their wages. Later, many are accustomed to such long holidays and try these days to have time for all the business that has been postponed all year.
According to the official calendar in January, Russians celebrate:
- New Year
- Christmas
To celebrate these events, the leadership of the country gives us a week of rest.
We invite you to learn more about the weekend schedule for the coming year in order to finally decide on your plans.
In 2024, the “Winter Holidays” for Russians will last 10 days - from December 30 to January 8. Starting from Saturday 12/30/2017 through Monday 08/01/2018, residents of the country can enjoy long-awaited days of rest.
In the coming year, the weekend schedule has undergone some changes. In particular, the weekend was postponed in January, which coincided with non-working days.
In 2024, Christmas falls on the weekend, so we have 2 extra days off, which are carried over:
- from January 6, 18 to March 9, 2024
- Closed on January 7, 2024, closed on May 2, 2024
Thanks to this transfer, in March and May the Russians will rest for 4 days in a row. Given all the changes, residents of our country can not remember the working days until January 9 of the coming year.
How do we relax in February?
February also gave us a few days of rest, as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland successfully fell on pre-weekend days. These 3 days of rest also need to be spent with benefit and to think over the plan of events in advance, for example, to go to the theater, to the rink and, of course, to congratulate the men on their holiday.
As early as February 22, some budget organizations and companies with loyal leadership will be able to take a break from work and get ready for the long-awaited weekend. Thursday’s working day will be short, as is the whole week. When exactly the work day ends is determined by each organization individually.
Who will work on holidays?
The Resolution submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation is relevant for organizations and enterprises that operate on a 5-day schedule, with weekends on Saturday and Sunday.
In practice, there may be other options:
- 6 working days per week
- daily schedule
- schedule with floating weekends, etc.
For all these categories, weekends are considered January 1 and January 7.
Some categories of Russians work in the emergency, rescue services, ambulance service and other socially significant areas. For them, there are 2 options:
- payment of the working day in 2 size
- payment in the usual amount, but with the subsequent provision of an employee an additional day off.
The choice of one or another option depends solely on the employer.
Some of the press
Some MPs believe that the Russians are resting too much. If you believe the statistics, for 10 days off there are much more emergencies, accidents and other events.
Representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to submit to the State Duma a bill, the purpose of which is to cut holidays, thereby effectively depriving Russians of holidays. The draft law is still under consideration and is more likely not to be adopted, since such changes will clearly not please the residents of our country.
Do you think we need a “Winter Holidays” or is it still worthwhile to slightly cut the number of days off? We are waiting for your comments.