Only 10-15 years ago, the lack of a large selection of flower vases pushed our mothers to create this piece of interior on their own. In the course were handy materials that were available at that time - glass and plastic bottles, watercolor paint, colorful and unusual paper.

How to make a vase with your own hands: ideas and workshops

Today we have no shortage of beautiful vases of the most different sizes, capacities, shapes and materials. However, the real decoration of the house will be a vase made with your own hands. We offer several ideas and workshops on the independent creation of a vase, which you can easily repeat.

Master class: a vase of glass bottles

What only the shapes and sizes of glass containers can not be found on the shelves. To create a vase, you can choose a vending jar or use a finished container from under the baby's puree, purchased jam, etc. The main thing is that it has an interesting look and is suitable for decoration.

Glass is most often used as the basis for creating a flower vase. It perfectly holds the liquid, easy to clean and decorate. Plastic packaging is considered safer and more economical. It, along with glass, is an excellent basis for the realization of the most daring creative ideas.

To create a vase we need:

  • small glass containers
  • plain or corrugated paper of different colors
  • PVA glue
  • scissors

Corrugated paper will be the main element of the decor of the future vase. Cut it into strips 3-5 cm wide and form flowers from them. Cut out leaves and stalks of green paper.

To drape the glass surface, decorate it with strips of paper with a fringe. You can use several similar shades or, on the contrary, create a multi-colored mix of several opposite colors. Glue the cooked flowers and leaflets to the top of the base.

There may also be several options:

  • create a flower arrangement on the front of the vase
  • distribute flowers across all decorated surfaces

The choice depends solely on your preferences and the amount of material.

Master class: a vase of cardboard tube

A vase made of cardboard is a wonderful stand for artificial flowers. To do it a little longer than the previous version, but it looks a lot more beautiful. As a result, you get a stylish vase, which in appearance will not differ from porcelain vessels.

To create a vase will need:

  • cardboard tube - can be found in any hardware store, where you will cut the required length and diameter
  • PVA glue
  • old newspapers
  • nail fixer
  • paints

Cut the required length of the cardboard tube with a table or stationery knife. Attach it to a piece of cardboard, circle the base with a pencil and cut the resulting circle. Glue the bottom to the cardboard tube with super glue.

Now begins the most time-consuming work - the creation of jewelry for a vase made of paper. Cut old newspapers into strips, fold the strips in half, and roll them into rolls. Attach the tips of the paper with super glue or white glue. Glue the finished jewelry to the surface of the cardboard tube with the help of PVA glue, tightly facing each other.

The gaps formed between the rolls can be filled with beads or buttons. If there is no material for decoration on hand, you can use regular beans by inserting it into the empty spaces between the paper.

We start painting the vase. To do this, it is better to use thick gouache or paint from aerosol cans. Allow the paint to dry completely.

After the main paint layer is completely dry, you can decorate the vases with any other decorative elements, for example, you can make the hearts of the rolls with beads or bright buttons.

Do-it-yourself shiny glass vase: a detailed guide

A variety of decorative paints and other coatings allows you to quickly create a beautiful vase from an ordinary glass jar. In our master class we will use glitter and glitter. The created vase will perfectly fit into a festive atmosphere or will be an excellent decoration of the living room.

To create a vase will need:

  • glass container
  • clear glue
  • glitter or glitter

1. Take a suitable glass vase and thoroughly clean it with a detergent containing alcohol. Thanks to this treatment, you degrease the glass, which will allow the gel to fall more evenly on its surface.

2. With the help of construction adhesive tape with a diameter of 3-5 centimeters, apply abstract strips on the surface of the vase. They can be completely flat or diagonal.

3. Place on a comfortable surface acrylic paint or modeling gel, adding a small amount of glitter. Using a sponge, pat the gel on the surface of the vase with a patting motion.

4. Once you have painted the vase, remove the scotch tape, otherwise it will cling to the gel and it will be difficult to separate it from the glass.

five.If you want to add additional decorations to the decor of a vase, then use a transparent gel that holds the small beads and buttons more tightly than the glue gun.

On this vase decor with glitter and modeling gel can be considered complete. If desired, you can cover the finished vase with a finishing coat of clear varnish or gel, which will make the colors more saturated and bright.

Acrylic Paint Vase Decoration

The use of paints can drastically transform glass jars that are uncomplicated at first glance and turn them into an elegant and beautiful flower vase.

Watercolors and gouache weakly attached to the glass surface, leaving streaks and transparent gaps. Therefore, use thick acrylic paints that easily lay down and dry quickly, spray paint in spray cans that ensure even application.

To begin with, cover the glass jar with the basic color, having completely filled the transparent surface. Then you can proceed to the most creative process - painting vase. As decorations you can use abstract patterns, hearts and even inscriptions.

If you do not have artistic abilities, then use stencils. Apply them to the surface of the jar and spray with spray paint. Try not to spray too much liquid, otherwise the pattern will spread and spoil the whole design.

Glass vase with linen decor

Each needlewoman there is a bag with the remnants of the fabric, which is a pity to throw. “Perhaps they will come in handy,” we say, our master class is just such a case. To create a vase, we need pieces of cloth that will decorate glass or plastic bottles.

To secure the material, use a mounting glue or glue gun. Such a fixer will not be washed off with water and securely adheres the fabric to the surface of the can. Press the fabric firmly against glass or plastic containers during work, otherwise it will slip after drying.

Vases decorated with lace look very delicate; in addition to it, use pieces of string to make knots or bows of them.

The handmade vase cannot be compared with the purchase option. It will have special value and will become an important attribute of solemn events. If you want your beloved to please you as often as possible with magnificent bouquets, then prepare a beautiful vase for such events.


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