Turquoise is a fragile mineral whose name comes from the color of the stone. However, the sky-blue shade is not the only one that is peculiar to this gem, since it is possible to meet the stone turquoise in more intricate colors. Jewelers treat this stone with due respect, using it in jewelry, however, it is considered only semi-precious.

Turquoise is an unusual mineral that hides various myths and secrets. This stone is filled with great energy of the ancestors, so it has a positive value, interesting healing and magical properties. Many people believe that when you wake up, you need to look at the turquoise stone and hold it in your hands, after which the day will be good, calm and prosperous. If astrologers and geologists are to be trusted, then for the first time people learned about this stone more than five thousand years ago, so now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of this beautiful and charming stone.

Types and colors of stone turquoise

This mineral has different shades, striking in its beauty, which range from blue to green-gray. A stone that combines several shades at once will not be rare, and at the same time it will be externally filled with streaks. The originality and attractiveness of color provides the chemical composition of turquoise, saturated with particles of iron, copper and chromium.

Varieties of turquoise stone depending on its color:

  • Mesh turquoise is an original and unusual stone with dark streaks over the entire surface. Shades of a grid can have both dark-brown, and a black shade. Many people are attracted to such a mineral, because the intersecting stripes create a harmonious picture on the surface of the gem.
  • Green turquoise - this shade of stone is due to the predominance of iron impurities in the composition. However, many believe that this color has outlived itself and is more suitable for people of retirement age, who have learned everything in their life.
  • Blue turquoise is a sophisticated and rare option that is valued the most. The stone has a dazzling brightness, as it contains no iron, and the main component is copper. Due to this composition, the stone has a high strength and a considerable price, so only experienced craftsmen use it to create jewelry.

Astrologers insist that this stone be used in combination with silver, since it is this metal that best affects the mineral and fully reveals its favorable potential. It is also worth knowing that turquoise is a fragile mineral, so you need to handle it carefully, removing jewelry while washing hands and caring for them.

Stone turquoise and its magical properties

As is known, from ancient times to the present day it is believed that turquoise is a stone of love and happiness that everyone deserves. This gem is able to try on each other's enemies, mitigate the discontent of the authorities and give peace of mind at home. In addition, the stone has its magical feature - when the disease of its owner or bad weather, it changes its shade. For example, if you take a stone in your hand and see that it has become paler or lighter, then you need to immediately go to the hospital, as this is an alarming sign warning of a possible deadly disease.

Turquoise is a gem that can be used as a talisman and talisman, bringing good luck to strong, independent, brave and desperate personalities. For a person with a similar character, a stone will always bring success, saving him from troubles and vanity. This stone has special power for people engaged in political activities, because it is able to bring its owner to the top of power, if the desire is large enough.

The stone contributes to the improvement of social status, with its help you can quickly gain credibility with others. At the same time it is important to treat the gem with trepidation and respect, as it does not help those who use it for the sake of self-interest, violating the principles of morality, moreover, such a person will be punished. As already mentioned, turquoise is a stone of love, so lovers and married couples can use it. It is known that girls use this stone, giving his boyfriend that he remained faithful and loved only her. The stone presented to the girl by her lover promises success not only in her personal life, but also her career.

Healing properties of turquoise

Turquoise is a universal stone that brings harmony, both in the physical and spiritual, psychological state of a person. Silver with this stone is recommended to use for people suffering from insomnia and nightmares. In general, a stone can have a healing effect on the following organs:

  • Stomach.
  • Lungs.
  • A heart.
  • Liver.

At the same time, the stone will add shine and healthy appearance to the skin, help people with poor eyesight, improve it, and also ease the cold and migraine. If a man or a woman has a problem with the thyroid gland or vocal cords, it is recommended to purchase an ornament with this stone, preferably a pendant (so that turquoise is as close as possible to the site of the disease).The choice of the color of the stone, according to lithotherapists, comes from the age of the person - it is better for young people to get a bright blue gem, but for more mature people turquoise of green shades. Turquoise is a mineral that does not tolerate high humidity and high temperatures.

Who is suitable for turquoise on the sign of the zodiac

To determine whether it is possible to purchase a jewel with a turquoise stone, it is important to listen to the advice of astrologers. These people believe that the mineral is not suitable for everyone, because it has a connection only with the earth and water elements, so it can be worn only by people born under the signs of these elements.

Pisces, Virgo and Aries - these signs are better to give preference to the whitish turquoise, in harmony with the inner worldview of its owner. Scorpio, Sagittarius and Taurus - for these signs the stone is ideal, while he is able to give good luck and control over emotions. As far as color is concerned, Taurus and Scorpio should better focus their attention on the green stone, while Sagittarius can use the blue mineral.

If a person does not belong to these elements and signs of the zodiac, then this does not mean that they are strictly forbidden to purchase jewelry with this stone. Many believe that this is a rare stone that decides whether to harmonize and connect with a person, so it’s worth a try. If the stone feels connected, then it will bring to anyone, regardless of its element, only material well-being and good luck.

As already mentioned, turquoise is a stone of lovers, however, it will bring success in amorous affairs only to those who deserve this high feeling. Mineral has a beneficial effect on a person, his development and prosperity if he follows his high principles and liking. Turquoise is a stone that does not tolerate evil and envious individuals, but will become a good helper for shy people, making them more eloquent.


  1. Yuliya

    Lord Such an interesting material ... and so many mistakes! ...


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