Probably, there is no person on the planet who has not heard of such a precious stone as emerald. This mineral is mentioned in almost all cultures and peoples, in connection with which there is a sea of ​​tales, legends and myths circling around it. Emerald is a type of beryl of green shades, occasionally with a slight blue. The color spectrum of this mineral is so unique that it contributes to the high price of stone, so that even diamonds are often left behind. Since ancient times, emerald is a symbol of hope and wisdom.

As mentioned earlier, emerald refers to beryl, namely aquamarine green. The emerald's alternative name is green ice, while the unique color is provided by chromium present in the chemical composition of the stone. The properties and characteristics of the mineral depend on chromium; some types of stone also contain vanadium, which serves as a substitute for chromium. In general, emerald parameters depend on where it is mined.

The density of a stone depends on the metals in its composition (rubidium and cesium).Thus, the medium density mineral is mined in Siberia and Colombia, in Brazil the emerald has a reduced density, and in southern Africa - the opposite. The main distinguishing feature of emerald is that it has a unique purity and transparency, while geologists claim that the hardness of emerald is constantly increasing. Diamond, ruby ​​and emerald are the three most expensive stones.

Types and colors of emerald

As you know, the main reason for the jewels of this stone is its rarity and uniqueness. In principle, this mineral can be found anywhere in the world, however, its reserves are in limited quantities. The largest areas where the layers of this mineral occur are New Granada and Zambia, Brazil and Colombia, Egypt and Russia. Emerald is also mined in France and Argentina, the USA and India.

However, high quality stones are not often encountered, so their search takes a lot of time and effort. The most precious and perfect emerald is a stone mined in Colombia. It is here that the stones have a gorgeous appearance and a rich color, while deviations and deformations are almost absent here. The stone mined in Russia (in the Urals) has a thicker color, since the composition contains a large amount of chromium and iron.

How much is a real emerald

The value of the mineral is still ambiguous. Of course, you can live without an emerald, but it's not so easy to buy it. However, people who have become happy owners of emerald repeatedly assert that they can no longer live without it. All owners of the stone quickly become his sincere admirer, as the mineral attracts with its mystery and beauty.

The cost of emerald is determined by a number of nuances, but it always remains at a very high level. In general, there is no universal price for emerald, in the domestic market one carat will cost about 10-12 thousand rubles. The main parameters affecting the value of the mineral:

  • Weight - the heavier the stone, the more expensive it is.
  • Clean and transparent. However, not everything is so simple, because blotches that have an original and unusual shape, do not reduce the price of a stone, but only on the contrary make it more valuable.
  • The color of the mineral. The saturation and brightness of color is important, because this is what attracts in the emerald first.
  • The degree of processing and its quality. If a stone has passed only the primary cleaning process, then it is many times cheaper, since deep cutting and processing is a complex and expensive process.

Healing properties of emerald

Natural minerals and stones have always caused a heightened interest in mankind, because they hide in themselves the power of nature containing secrets. After long studies, scientists have determined the properties of each stone, which are characteristic of it. As for emerald, it favorably affects the organism of its owner as a whole. First of all, the stone stabilizes blood pressure, removes a headache.

The emerald has a beneficial effect on the urogenital system, healing disorders and diseases of the bladder. Also, the stone will relieve pain in the stomach, it is useful for compositions. The mineral has antibacterial properties, so it can be used for water purification. At the moment, this stone is not often used by lithotherapists, since its value "bites" a little.

The magical properties of the mineral

The emerald is an amazing and unique stone, so there is nothing strange in the fact that it attracted the attention of people engaged in magic. If you believe sorcerers and other persons associated with mysticism, then emerald is a stone that helps in the fight against evil and evil thoughts. The mineral overcomes deceit and adventurism, does not allow to perform illegal actions and will force a person to remain faithful to his second half. If the stone is worn on itself for three months continuously, then it will save its owner from the shortcomings and negative traits of character, clearing his soul.

Also, emerald is able to become a source of good luck and health, support a person in all his good endeavors. Mineral cleans the biofield, destroying negative energy.At the same time, the stone protects the house of its owner from the negative, the evil eye and the dark forces, while maintaining the family hearth. If a person has a well-developed intuition, then the stone will allow you to find a connection with the other world.

To suit the emerald on the sign of the zodiac

As you know, every sign of the zodiac has a stone that suits it the most, it can become a real talisman and talisman. An emerald is a gem that has tremendous latent power that not everyone can cope with. As for the signs of the zodiac, the emerald is best suited to Capricorns and Virgins, Libra and Aries. But Scorpios, this stone is strictly prohibited.

Also, experts assure that this stone is well combined with Gemini, because it strengthens their spiritual strength, driving away all negative from its owner. At the same time, the emerald for women born under this sign serves as the faithful guardian of the family hearth, happiness and well-being. In this case, the stone will allow you to forget about things such as insomnia, headache and fatigue.

At the same time, the emerald will allow you to achieve your goals Strelets and Cancers. It is important that the impact of the stone will depend not only on the sign of the zodiac, but also the nature of its owner. Aquarius, Pisces and Leo - these signs of the zodiac will find peace and stability, will receive support and reliable friend in the form of emerald.


  1. Maya

    Full bullshit. Only Gemini can wear emerald.


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