Contests for the New Year 2024: how to spend a holiday fun?


New Year's celebration is not only gatherings at the holiday table, gifts, greetings from family and friends. Diversify the New Year's Eve will help contests and games. They cheer up bored guests of a corporate party or a traditional family dinner. If you meet the New Year in a fun company, then all the more you can’t do without contests and charades that will make your holiday unforgettable.


We are preparing for the celebration

In the pre-New Year rush try to make time for drawing up a plan for games and contests. After all, it will be difficult to compose something interesting on December 31st.

Active outdoor games need to harmoniously “weave in” between meals, congratulations and dancing. Some contests will require props that you need to prepare in advance. Lay them out on the appropriate packages and sign, so as not to be confused during the games.


Prepare prizes. These may be small souvenirs, candles in the shape of the symbol of the year, crackers, unusual Christmas balls, etc.


Balls with wishes

Such a game will be greeted with delight by the guests, since they do not need to do almost anything. In addition, on New Year's Eve everyone wants to hear pleasant wishes and predictions.

Guests are offered inflated balloons (helium can), in which wishes are embedded. Prepare in advance beautiful balls tied up with thin multi-colored ribbons and invite guests to cut them one at a time, burst them with any sharp objects and take notes.

Notes can be written on plain paper or made on specially decorated sheets, folded in the form of an envelope. Such wishes will remain with your guests for a long time and will remind you of a merry evening with friends.

Funny numbers

Games built on the principle of "question-answer" really like guests. Fun questions get no less comic answers, which is very encouraging to the company and allows you to create a relaxed atmosphere at the table.


For the game, prepare small sheets of paper and pens by the number of guests. Give them to the invitees and offer to write down your favorite number or any one of your choice. Now ask guests comic questions, for example, how often you eat, how much you weigh, etc.

Let the guests offer their questions, so the game will be more fun.
The answers to these questions will be the numbers written by the guests.


Not a word of truth

Since childhood, we have been taught to speak only the truth, it is time to unleash our imagination and come up with the most incredible tales. The game "Not a word of truth" is a popular and fun game, which is enthusiastically perceived by companies of all ages.


The essence of the game

Prepare in advance questions relating mainly to the New Year holidays, traditions, etc.

Examples of questions for the game:

  • What is accepted to give for the New Year in China?
  • Which film is most often watched by Russians on the New Year?
  • What decorate before the holiday, etc.

At simple, at first glance, questions need to be answered with comic answers, while not saying a word of truth. It is very fun, guests on the go come up with interesting answers that are radically different from the real ones.


Those who make mistakes and accidentally call truthful information receive a penalty ball, and as a result of the game, guests who collect the most fines should sing a song, read a poem or dance.

Accurate shooter

The game is mobile, so it’s better to play it at the end of the evening, when guests have to sit around the table and want to warm up a little. In addition, many guests by this time a little podshofe, which makes the game much more fun.


The "sight" of your guests, "snipers" shot down a few glasses of champagne, and this is exactly what you need for a successful game.

Prepare props:

  • “Snowballs” - white paper crumpled into a ball
  • baskets - by the number of teams

The game will be more interesting and exciting if you replace the baskets with children's basketball rings.

Divide guests into teams and distribute "snowballs". Now the fun begins. The enthusiasm of the guests with each attempt to get into the basket (ring) will grow. Excitement and desire to win will amuse them and will lighten mood.

The winning team receives prizes, and the losers fulfill the wishes of the winners. Believe me, the guests will come up with a very funny "punishment" for the losing team.


News from the future

After an active game with “snowballs”, you can offer guests the game “News from the future or the new year”. The game will require pre-prepared cards with a set of completely unrelated words.


For example:

  • Winter, pineapple, vacuum cleaner
  • Santa Claus, space, cucumber, etc.

Guests are invited to become leading news for a few minutes. From those words that they got in the cards, they need to write a funny news.


Recall the school

To get distracted at the holiday table, you can play such a fun game like “Recall a school or an alphabet”, everyone can call it differently. The next raising of glasses should be turned into a game in which each guest should utter a short toast, which would begin with a letter of the alphabet. For example:

  • And let's drink to health!
  • Be happy and loved in the New Year!
  • Let's drink to us! etc.

The winner is the one who, in the opinion of the guests, delivered the most cheerful toast.


Extra chair

This game is familiar to us since childhood. How offensive it was when the chair was not enough for you and how joyful it felt when you still found a place for yourself. For an adult company, the “Extra chair” game is no less relevant. It allows you to recall childhood years and a little warm up after a long sitting at the table.

Put the chairs in a circle in the amount of 1 less than the game participants. Include a fun song and stop it at the most unexpected moment. It is then that participants in the game should take a free place. After each game, one chair is removed. The competition continues until the most agile and attentive guest is revealed, which is traditionally encouraged with a prize.

When preparing games and contests for the New Year, you need to consider in which company they will be held. For a celebration with friends in an apartment or a small cafe, choose games at the table that do not require large spaces.

If the celebration is held with the participation of a large number of guests in a spacious hall, then it is better to allocate free space and hold active games and contests on it.


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