The name is the most important thing a person has, regardless of his gender, financial situation, nationality and political views. According to psychologists, the name has an incredible influence on a person, contributing to his becoming a personality, giving confidence and perseverance, or, conversely, humbling his ardent and explosive character. Choosing a name for a child is a difficult and responsible task, especially when it comes to a girl.
Names for girls: meaning and influence on fate
Many parents, in order not to attract too much attention from outsiders and not to cause negative from others, choose the simplest and most familiar name for their child. Names such as Elena, Svetlana, Maria, Daria are very common and understandable, they are universal and best of all harmonize with the patronymic.
But no one forbids parents to call girls original, beautiful and rare names. There are plenty of Masha and Dashek, the time has come for unusual sonorous names such as Michel, Vladislav, Yasmina, Angelina.When choosing a difficult name for a girl, you need to be as careful as possible so that later the child does not have conflicts with peers and problems with the opposite sex.
According to the observations of psychologists, girls with beautiful and sonorous names, like Angelina, Anastasia, Anna, are very confident and purposeful natures. They quickly find a common language with their peers, they are easy to make contact, they easily achieve their goals.
Original, sometimes even funny names that are increasingly found in their surroundings, such as the Olympiad, Thekla, Matrona, cause an involuntary grin of others. Such girls will find it difficult to determine their views and preferences, as they will be constantly under pressure from idle talk and bullying by their peers. Children with such names will feel insecure, feel lonely and apathetic.
Names associated with the male component, such as Alexandra, Kira, Renata, will add to the character of the girl the characteristics inherent in the stronger sex. Such children are distinguished by assertiveness, autonomy and self-will.
Children named by foreign names, for example, Juliet, Ginny, Isabella will be constantly in the spotlight, which is not always acceptable for shy and modest children.
Beautiful names for girls by season
Our ancestors strictly observed the traditions, most of the children of that time were born in the spring. From a logical point of view, this is correct, because over the summer, the child has time to get stronger and meet the first autumn frosts at 6 months of age, when the main worries and childhood illnesses are over.
Strangely enough, in the modern world, the vast majority of babies are still born in the spring, while the rest are evenly distributed in other seasons.
Does the month of birth affect the fate of the child? Of course, yes. Every time of year it lays its mark on the character of the child. This is an indisputable fact that parents should take into account not only when choosing a name, but also, if desired, to have a child.
Children born in winter have a strong-willed character. They are like severe frosts, do not accept compromises, are self-confident, imperious and selfish. These children try to give gentle soft names that can smooth out the difficult qualities of their character - Alice, Vasilisa, Uliana, Anastasia, Julia, Elizabeth, Svetlana, Snezhana.
"Spring" children choose solid hard names that add confidence to shy and inconstant natures. Such names are dominated by hard consonants, polyphonic and twin components - Maria, Irina, Veronika, Kristina, Margarita, Vladislav, Marianna, Regina, Zlata.
Children born in the warm summer months, like the sun's rays, have a soft and calm nature. At the same time, they are very balanced, they contain courage and courage, ready to manifest themselves in a difficult situation. For these girls pick up unusual short names - Alina, Ulyana, Yana, Varvara.
"Autumn" children have absorbed the calm and beauty of this pore. Their names must also be filled with tenderness and gentleness. Such names as Alain, Milan, Lydia, Marina will suit them.
Names for girls 2024: sacred meaning and influence on character
It is no secret that the name has a special energy. Some names protect from the evil eye, others act as a kind of protection from human envy. For parents, it is important to find a "golden" middle between the beauty of the name and its sacral meaning. We have prepared for you the TOP-10 names that will not only decorate your child, but also help him to be realized in life.
Alexandra, Evgenia
Despite the fact that psychologists do not recommend calling girls names with a male component, the names of Alexander and Eugene to a greater extent allow the child to show the best traits of his character. The owners of these names are strong and confident. They coexist masculinity, integrity and incredible femininity.
The life of Alexandra and Evgenia is a constant struggle, primarily with itself.They are constantly improving, find harmony and harmony in everything. These names have a special energy, so they are recommended for children born in spring or summer.
Varvara, Valeria
According to legends, the owners of the name of Barbara and Valeria are under the constant protection of Fortune, who is ready to come to their aid in any difficult situation.
The winner - this is how one can characterize the owner of this name. Victoria is distinguished by the desire to win, she is determined to succeed. With their sense of purpose, these girls simply scare away the evils and envious people.
Vera, Catherine, Olga
Despite the prevalence of these names, they have a strong energy. This is primarily due to the meaning of these names:
- Faith is Truth, Belief
- Catherine - independent
- Olga - beautiful, loving
Margarita means "pearl", "unattainable." Girls with that name know their value, have inexplicable energy.
A solid sonorous name that will give the girl confidence and rigidity. Daria means “winner”, “conqueror”, which manifests itself in almost every area of life. According to the Saints, the name is translated as “God's gift”, which gives even greater energy to its owner.
Whatever way you choose a name for a girl - by the time of year, by patronymic, by meaning, it is important to do it with love. Then the life of the baby will be truly happy and successful.