The lunar calendar is a way to predict the characteristics of a particular day, according to the lunar cycle. The influence of this celestial body on the lives of people and everything living on Earth is obvious. This is verified by many generations of people. The impact of the energy of the satellite of the Earth is felt on the mental, nervous and general physical state of the body. The moon also affects plant growth and animal behavior. The lunar calendar appeared 6,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than the more familiar solar one.

Purpose of the lunar calendar in the modern world

The modern lunar calendar is compiled using ancient knowledge and more relevant information about the moon, already obtained using high-tech devices and instruments.

The most difficult for a person are the critical phases of the moon. These days you should not start important business, as there may not be enough physical and moral strength for high-quality activities. Even with the maximum effort put into action, luck will most likely turn away and there will be little that depends on the person himself.

It is best to develop an active activity on the growing moon immediately after the new moon. Especially successful will be new initiatives. It is good to complete previously started projects on the waning moon.

The main purpose of the lunar calendar is to help in rational planning of all spheres of life. Often information about the energy of a day helps to understand what is happening and in their feelings. In any case, using the lunar calendar helps save time and get the best result.

Lunar calendar 2024 haircuts, beauty and nutrition

In the lunar calendar you can find a list of favorable days for personal care, haircuts, coloring, manicure and nutrition. Scientists have observed the phases of the moon and found that even taste preferences vary depending on them. It is noticed that during the transition of the Moon to Aries, the appetite increases. Knowing this, you can stock up on delicious foods, if it allows a diet. If there is a need to limit oneself in food, then at this time it is better to remove everything from home that may cause an overwhelming desire to eat. The temptation will be much less. For some reason, the moon in Taurus makes one want to drink milk even from those who usually do not like it.

In January, January 7, 9 and 16 are considered the most favorable days for haircuts. To abandon this procedure is better than 4, 20 and 27 numbers. Favorable for haircuts in February will be 12, 14 and 18, and unfavorable will be only on February 24. In March, you can get a haircut on the 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 20th day, you need to abandon the procedure on March 15, 22, 24 and 31.

In April, there are also several days with good energy for a haircut: 9, 13, 16, 17. Postponing the trip to the stylist for another day is better than 5, 12, 21 and 28. You can get hair cut in May 6, 13, 15, and 3, 19 and 26 it is better to refuse this idea.The first month of the summer of 2024 will allow changing the shape of the haircut on June 4, 8 and 10, it is recommended to refuse the procedure on the 23rd day. In July, you can resort to the hairdresser’s scissors on the 4, 6, 8, 15, 16. It costs 12, 19, 21 and 28 numbers to refuse going to the salon. If you need to get a haircut in August, then you need to choose the 3, 5, 12 and 22 numbers. Unsuccessful result will be 9, 16 and 18 August.

In the autumn, a haircut is best done on September 10, 26, 30, October 5 and 9, and November 2. It is recommended to refuse the procedure on September 15 and 22, October 13 and 20, November 15, 22 and 24. In December, you can cut your hair for the holidays on the 9th, 10th and 17th. Avoid contact with hair and scissors better December 6, 13 and 22.

Lunar calendar of plant lovers 2024

The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners helps to solve practical problems associated with planting, growing plants and harvesting. Even the most avid fans of modern technology are guided by landing on the so-called fertile moon. Observations show that this increases the yield in the future.During the new moon (3 days) should perform the following types of work:

  • trimming;
  • weed cleaning;
  • pest protection work;
  • pruning of diseased and dry branches of trees and shrubs, unnecessary shoots;
  • collecting herbs;
  • nipping vegetable plants (except the day of the new moon);
  • moderate watering of the soil;
  • shallow soil loosening.

It is not recommended to sow and plant any plants, any tillage, vaccinations during a new moon.

The growing moon has an effect on the aerial part of the plant and weakly on the root system. In the period of the rising moon it is recommended:

  • seeding and planting;
  • transplanting plants that develop above the ground;
  • tillage;
  • plant nutrition with mineral elements;
  • harvesting cuttings of trees, as well as vaccination;
  • watering the soil.

During the full moon (3 days) the following work should be done:

  • thinning thickened crops, weeding beds;
  • protective measures against pests, diseases and weeds;
  • collecting seeds and root crops.

During the full moon should not perform any types of pruning, pasynkovanie and pinching vegetable crops, vaccinations.

The waning moon affects the root system, which is unfavorable for its damage and less actively affects the aboveground part of the plants. With a waning moon, it is recommended:

  • sowing and planting of root, bulbous and leguminous plants;
  • thinning of shoots;
  • protection from pests, diseases and weeds;
  • plant nutrition with organic fertilizers;
  • harvesting;
  • forming pruning to slow growth;
  • digging of root crops, bulbs for long-term storage.

Health in 2024 according to the lunar calendar

The influence of the phases of the moon on the health, mood and well-being of a person is pronounced. Therefore, the study of the lunar calendar on the subject of favorable and unfavorable days may be an important factor in the care of your body.

A solar eclipse will take place on January 6 and 21, 2024. This adversely affects the health and well-being. The indisposition and high excitability are quite natural for these dates. The use of drugs must be taken especially carefully. From January 7 to January 20, a period of well-being, increased appetite and excellent absorption of nutrients by the body.

In February, the days from 6 to 18 will be favorable. From 1 to 4 and from 20 to 28, you should moderate the activity, switch to a less exhausting regime and avoid loads of any kind. The New Moon on February 5 and the Full Moon on February 19 will be hard for a weakened organism. Experts recommend to prepare.

In March, the new moon is the 6th day and the full moon 21 can cause all sorts of ailments. A waning moon from 1 to 5 and from 22 to 31 will entail a decrease in immunity and a slowdown of metabolic processes. From March 7 to 20, even owners of chronic diseases will feel great.

In April, the growing moon will fall on 6-18 numbers. At this time, the body actively grows cells and increases stamina. The period is good for active sports. As always, the new moon of April 5 and the full moon of April 19 will be unfavorable. The waning moon will fall on 1-4 and 20-30 of the month.

From May 6 to 18, it is good to play sports, go for walks and eat right - these exercises will have the most noticeable effect. The New Moon on May 5 and the Full Moon on May 19, as well as the waning moon from 1 to 4 and from 20 to 31, require special attention to the body. Do not overload.

Adverse to health in June will be the 3rd number (new moon) and 17 (full moon). You should also take care of yourself when the moon declines on June 1-2 and June 18-30. From 4 to 16 June on the growing moon, you can safely engage in heavy sports, strength and cardio loads.

From 3 to 15 July, you need to throw all the power to cleanse the body. During this period, it is worthwhile to accumulate maximum strength and improve your health so that the unfavorable days of the month are given to the body as easily as possible. The heaviest could be the night of July 17th - a partial lunar eclipse will occur. July 2 will be a solar eclipse. This day will also require prolonged rest and a concentration on health.

In August 2024, many suitable days for rest. Good for well-being will be 2-14 August and 31 August. At this time, active recreation will be most appropriate. From 15 to 30 it is better not to visit exotic countries and not to try unfamiliar food. At home, it is important not to overload the body, but to rest in peace and quiet.

In September, it is best to heal the body from 1 to 13, as well as 29 and 30 numbers. At this time, the moon will only work in favor. Bad state of health characterizes the period from September 14 to September 27. It is better at this time to limit their activity and not risk their health.

October brings the first tangible cold, which causes depression and a noticeable loss of strength. The most difficult period falls on the 19th, as well as on October 23-31. At this time it is better to rest and not to overload yourself with junk food. Relief will come from 10 to 22 October.

In November, the most difficult days will be the 26th day (new moon) and 12 (full moon). You should also take care of yourself from November 13 to 25 during the waning moon. During this period, possible pressure surges and other problems with blood and blood vessels. At this time you need to drink more fluid. Favorable days for well-being fall on November 1-11 and 27-30.

In December, the breakdown can be felt in the period from 12 to 25 December.To avoid viral diseases against the background of reduced immunity, it is necessary to avoid crowded places. Exercise is better to postpone for 1-11 and December 27-31. These days, the state of the body will be conducive to general healing procedures. In any case, abundant drinking should be abandoned, so as not to waste time and effort on recovery.


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