
  1. The main characteristics of the lunar calendar
  2. Details about each of the cycles
  3. Phases of the Moon for the months of 2024

The lunar calendar is one of the most ancient inventions. The modern version is based on the experience of ancient civilizations, but now they use modern techniques and methods for studying celestial bodies to compile.

The main characteristics of the lunar calendar

The length of the lunar cycle is 29.5 days. During this period, the moon passes through four phases:

  • new moon;
  • first quarter;
  • full moon;
  • last quarter.

Such a structure has been characteristic of the lunar calendar since antiquity. The first day is the beginning of a new moon. Moreover, each time the moon is in a new sign of the zodiac. Depending on the position and movement of the satellite, the Earth has a different impact on the life of our planet. This is noticeable for health reasons, mood, behavior of living organisms, the oceans and much more.

The most unfavorable are the days of the new moon, the full moon, as well as the first and last quarter.At this time, the Sun and the Moon are in opposition and their interaction is very intense. On these days you can not plan important things or global initiatives.

New affairs will be crowned with success if they begin on the growing moon. The closer to the new moon, the more likely the success. Final events should be planned for the period of the waning moon. This will allow to finish everything, without missing important nuances.

To select the most favorable days in the cycle, it is necessary to determine those that are located during the normalization period in the sky of 60 degrees and 120 degrees between the Sun and the Moon. They are also called sextile and trine respectively. Knowing the common points, you can plan the month and year in such a way as to get maximum efficiency from each undertaking and prepare in advance for possible failures.

Details about each of the cycles

There is a concept of a full moon cycle. This is 30 full days. The defective cycle includes 29 days. Such a lunar month is full of truly unfavorable days, which are experienced the hardest.

During its movement from the new moon through the growing period to the full moon and through the descending period back to the new moon, the Moon has a striking effect on the psyche, delicate matter and emotional state of a person.

The new moon and the full moon definitely remain the most influential phases. They last for 3 days, capturing the day before and the day after the critical position of the star. Quarters last about 7 days.

The first quarter of the lunar cycle and the new moon

The first quarter is the first lunar cycle. It lasts from the new moon to the beginning of the second quarter. In the period of the new moon, the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun and casts a shadow on the satellite. For this reason, the naked eye is almost invisible from the Earth. This is a time of energy decline. Pressure also drops. For hypotensive new moon - a very difficult period. This is a time of dizziness, drowsiness and general loss of strength.

You should not expect from the body pronounced performance. It is even more undesirable to plan the solution of complex tasks for the time of the new moon. Also excessive physical activity, sports and mental exertion are undesirable. It is recommended to draw the necessary strength and good energy in the new moon period from the family, from relatives and good friends. Energy costs are best limited.

Immediately after the new moon begins the active growth of the moon. At this time, from Earth, the Moon looks like a sickle with horns directed to the left - this is a young month.

Second quarter of the lunar cycle

In the period of the second quarter of the lunar cycle from Earth, you can see half of the moon. This state is very contradictory: all the opposing energies are in equal position and none of them outweighs the other in influence. At this time between the opposing forces reached the peak of tension. The period is characterized by the appearance of conflicts and disputes.

People at the same time feel a surge of energy. There are so many of them that there is an overwhelming desire to act. To get around conflicts and at the same time throw out excess energy is recommended to play sports. Any decision to be made must be thought out with the utmost care.

The health sphere during this period can be in a difficult condition. Most often, difficulties arise with owners of chronic diseases. What is largely contributed to the increased emotionality of the period. Particular attention should be paid to the digestive tract.

All kinds of activities directed inside the family will be useful. This is the most efficient use of energy. It doesn’t matter if the activities are connected with people or life. It is important to immerse yourself in household chores and enjoy them. In the opposite situation, when energy is decided to be directed to the external environment, that is, to working relationships, conflicts and misunderstandings should be expected. Any arrangements during this period will not bring the desired result.

Third quarter of the lunar cycle

The second quarter ends with a full moon. Immediately after this begins the third quarter of the lunar cycle. At this time, the lunar disk is the most illuminated and best seen from Earth.This is the most picturesque view of the moon, which romantics prefer to admire, and about which poets write poems.

This stage is also characterized by an abundance of energy that fills people. It is a great time to realize the tasks set earlier and bring the cherished dream into reality. The period is good for communication and exits. Any mass event will bring success and achieve the desired. Creative people will be able to feel the inspiration and, possibly, create their own masterpiece.

Strengthened energy background provokes ailments in the field of health. Likely leaps of pressure. Sharp tools are also dangerous. Any injury will heal much longer. Also, people with mental disorders and pronounced depressive states will feel worse. The period is characterized by sharp mood swings. Control of the psycho-emotional state will be complicated. Also, many will torment insomnia.

Fourth quarter of the lunar cycle

This is the last quarter of the lunar cycle. The visibility of the lunar disk is waning. The time of this period lasts until the very new moon.

The stage is suitable for redirecting your energy to the outside world. Implementation at work goes well, partnership working relationships are built by themselves. For this period it is good to appoint negotiations, signing contracts, financial transactions.

Experts recommend at this time to get rid of all the excess and waste. This can be done without consequences. It is both about physical cleaning, and about getting rid of unnecessary people in the environment, dismissal from boring work and even from unnecessary thoughts with the help of special techniques.

Perhaps some will draw on introspection and self-criticism. The fourth quarter is not the best time for self-blame. The outgoing moon will not allow an objective assessment of thoughts and actions, forming the wrong attitude towards yourself. If you want to evaluate your own work, then you need to do this as soberly as possible and with a cold mind.

Knowing such features of each of the lunar cycles, you can use them to form an effective schedule. In addition, such knowledge will help everyone to deal with their mood and condition, and not be upset over trifles.

Phases of the Moon for the months of 2024

To use the information offered above with the greatest effect, it is recommended to follow the lunar cycle every month. This will help you plan the whole year and make the most of your time.


  • New Moon - January 6
  • Full Moon - January 21
  • First quarter - January 14
  • Third quarter - January 28
  • Waxing Moon - January 7-20
  • Waning Moon - from January 1 to January 5 and from January 22 to January 31


  • New Moon - February 5
  • Full Moon - February 19
  • First quarter - February 13
  • Third quarter - February 26
  • Growing Moon - February 6-18
  • Waning Moon - from February 1 to February 4 and from February 20 to February 28


  • New Moon - March 6
  • Full Moon - March 21
  • First quarter - March 14
  • Third quarter - March 28
  • Waxing Moon - March 7-20
  • Waning Moon - March 1 to 5 and from March 22 to 31


  • New Moon - April 5
  • Full Moon - April 19
  • First quarter - April 12
  • Third quarter - April 27
  • Growing Moon - April 6-18
  • Waning Moon - from April 1 to April 4 and from April 20 to April 30


  • New Moon - May 5
  • Full Moon - May 19
  • First quarter - May 12
  • Third quarter - May 26
  • Waxing Moon - May 6-18
  • Waning Moon - from May 1 to 4 and from May 20 to 31


  • New Moon - June 3
  • Full Moon - June 17
  • First quarter - June 10
  • Third quarter - June 25
  • Waxing Moon - from 4 to 16 June
  • Waning Moon - June 1, 2 and from June 18 to 30


  • New Moon - July 2
  • Full Moon - July 17th
  • First quarter - July 9
  • Third quarter - July 25
  • Growing Moon - from July 3 to July 16
  • Waning Moon - July 1 and from July 18 to July 31


  • New Moon - August 1 and August 30
  • Full Moon - August 15
  • First quarter - August 7
  • Third quarter - August 23
  • Growing Moon - from August 2 to 14 and August 31
  • Waning Moon - from August 16 to 29


  • New Moon - September 28
  • Full Moon - September 14
  • First quarter - September 6
  • Third quarter - September 22
  • Growing Moon - from September 1 to September 13 and September 29, 30
  • Waning Moon - from September 15 to September 27


  • New Moon - October 28
  • Full Moon - October 14
  • First quarter - October 5
  • Third quarter - October 21
  • Waxing Moon - October 1–13 and October 29–31
  • Waning Moon - from 15 to 27 October


  • New Moon - November 26
  • Full Moon - November 12th
  • First quarter - November 4
  • Third quarter - November 20
  • Growing Moon - November 1-11 and November 27-30
  • Waning Moon - from November 13 to 25


  • New Moon - December 26
  • Full Moon - December 12
  • First quarter - December 4
  • Third quarter - December 19
  • Waxing Moon - from December 1 to 11 and December 27 to 31
  • Waning Moon - December 13-25


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