The lunar calendar is able to help you competently make plans and prepare for any life situations. The position of the moon relative to other celestial bodies can influence the destinies of people and their state of health, mood and behavior. With proper use of information from the lunar calendars, you can win luck on your side and achieve success.
February 2024: phases of the moon
The New Moon in February 2024 falls on February 5, 00:03 Moscow time. The Full Moon falls on February 19 at 18:53. The second quarter to come on February 13 01:26, and the fourth - February 26 14:27. The rising moon can be observed from February 6 to February 18, and decreasing from 1 to 4 and from February 20 to 28, 2024.
Features of each day in February according to the lunar calendar
1st of February
26-27 lunar day, moon waning, in Capricorn. This day is heavy energy. Astrologers recommend not to make hasty decisions, because their results may adversely affect the future. In money matters, most likely losses and wastes.It's time to look for unreliable people in your environment - today they will show themselves. At the same time communication is recommended to reduce to a minimum.
February 2
27-28 lunar day, decreasing moon in Capricorn. The day is filled with mystical energy. Wizards and fortunetellers will feel in themselves new forces. In this case, the probability of being deceived by a charlatan is great. The fantasies that came on this day will most likely remain fiction. On February 2, there is no need to plot cases, as a result of which there is no certainty. Also, do not be led by those who involve you in adventures - it will end badly.
February 3rd
28-29 day, the moon is waning, in Capricorn. Today everyone will be able to feel the ability to predict events. To deepen this sensation is worth meditating. It is today that all unresolved questions as if by magic will find simple and obvious answers. This need to take advantage and finish the old affairs.
February 4
29-30 lunar day. The waning moon in Aquarius. A great time to communicate with family and friends. Today, family ties will be especially felt and mutual understanding within the family will improve. Among the classes it is better to choose those that are associated with household chores and comfort. It is also good to sit in silence behind the book.
February 5th
1-2 lunar day, a new moon in Aquarius. This day will help make one of the most important decisions in life. Before you do this, you must carefully evaluate the information available in the retrospective. Today it is good to study, travel and go on business trips.
February 6
2-3 lunar day, growing moon in Pisces. Today, the picture of their own shortcomings will be revealed clearly and brightly. It is worth taking advantage of this in order to start a fight with each of them. Careful analysis of what is happening will form the right action plan. On this day, do not be afraid to be closer to people. This will make new pleasant and useful dating.
January 7th
3-4 lunar day, growing moon in Pisces. Today there is a great danger of running into a conflict. The air sparkles from tension and negative energy. It is better to communicate less and stay away from crowds of people. This will not spoil the mood of yourself or others.
February 8
4-5 lunar day, growing moon in Pisces. The day will give a lot of power to manage affairs and the situation as a whole. It is only necessary to direct all efforts in the right direction and the result will be excellent. So on the energy background will favorably communicate with animals and plants.
February 9th
5-6 lunar day, the moon growing in Aries. Today there is a danger to negate early achievements. You need to tense up a bit and not let go of the situation. You should carefully analyze your thoughts and actions, as some of them may be imposed by others and be completely wrong. Special attention should be paid to nutrition and health.
February 10
6-7 lunar day, growing moon in Aries. The day is conducive to vigorous activity in any field. If some plans did not find their realization, then today they are most likely to bring them to life. Today you can start the most daring things.
11 February
7-8 lunar day, growing moon in Taurus. Today, in the most important matters, support should be sought only from native people. Dating romantic character and new acquaintances will give the day a special color and will be remembered for a long time. Should be more attentive to new people in your life - perhaps among them will be an important person for you in the future.
12th of February
8-9 lunar day, growing moon in Taurus. Today the burden of unreasonable responsibility will fall on you. The work will be hard and important. New things better not to start, so as not to be overloaded. Do not participate in the discussion of third parties. Most likely it will be sideways. To ensure that the day ended safely. It is necessary to tune in a positive way and look for advantages in any situation.
February 13
9-10 lunar day, growing moon in Taurus. Day peculiar.It is suitable for minor manipulations with health, but requires to abandon operations or other significant interventions in the body. The long-term processes started today will end in success.
The 14th of February
10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. The day will bring complete harmony in the internal state and in the environment. Today, creativity is welcome, but destruction can have terrible consequences. The best pastime will be physical rest, bordering on laziness.
February, 15
11-12 lunar day, growing moon in Gemini. The day is well suited to enjoy every moment of it. Almost every business today will be fun. It is only necessary to exclude risky manipulations, gambling and trading. It is important to be at rest and then the cosmic energy nourishes you from the inside. On this day, the benefit of charity and all sorts of selfless deeds.
February 16
12-13 lunar day, growing moon in Cancer. Day is suitable for self-examination. To do this, it is recommended that you spend more time alone, meditate and understand your own feelings. A great time to draw up plans, set important goals and focus on accents.
February 17
13-14 lunar day, growing moon in Cancer. The day is suitable for the start of major cases and the conclusion of important transactions. Successful will be changes in life associated with fundamental aspects. The most radical decisions will bring success. Do not just thoughtlessly destroy long-term relationships with people - it can do more harm than good.
18th of Febuary
14-15 lunar day, growing moon in Leo. A great day to complete the work started earlier or to solve the issues that were in the air. Also, you will flood the urgent affairs that need to be done immediately. Today will be a productive and useful day in all respects. Energy and strength will be enough for everything.
February 19
15-16 lunar day, full moon in Leo. Today, lunar activity rolls over, so each event can have unpredictable consequences. You should not take unexpected gifts and communicate with unpleasant and unfamiliar people. There may be frustration and self-deception.
February 20th
16-17 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo. Today, brain activity is somewhat inhibited, so it is worth refusing to make important decisions and exercises related to calculations. You should carefully monitor your health and listen to the signals of the body. Nutrition can play a major role in this.
February 21
17-18 lunar day, waning moon in Virgo. In order to achieve the goals on this day will have a lot of work. But if you understand the full significance of what is happening and apply due diligence, the result will be excellent.
February 22
18-19 lunar day, waning moon in Libra. The day will be eventful and generous with good results. In order to use this fully, you must believe in yourself.
February 23
19-20 lunar day, the moon is waning, in Libra. Day will not allow to count on a happy occasion. All success will be the result of the work of the mind and cold calculation. Feelings and emotions are likely to be deceptive. New things will not bring pleasure and will not end with the desired result, so you should not start them. It is recommended to concentrate on current issues.
24 February
20 lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio. Today will require maximum concentration and caution. Naivety and relaxed attitude to what is happening can negatively affect future events. It is better to make all the decisions yourself and rely only on yourself.
25 February
20-21 lunar day, the moon is waning, in Scorpio. The day favors new purchases, construction, the start of a new project. It is also worth working on relationships within the family and in the circle of loved ones. Personal business is better to postpone, but third-party activities can bring a lot of pleasure and benefit in the future.
February 26
21-22 lunar day, the moon is waning, in Sagittarius.Today, there will be a strong lack of strength and impending stress. It is better not to burden yourself with complex tasks, but to relax and rest in peace and solitude. This will help restore harmony and replenish energy reserves.
February 27
22-23 lunar day, the waning moon in Sagittarius. A wonderful day to resolve conflicts in a circle of loved ones. Any people will be especially susceptible to your experiences and will go forward. Harmony will come by itself, you only need to sincerely demonstrate your emotions.
28th of February
23-24 day, the moon wanes in Capricorn. Mood today is dictated by energy imbalance. It seems that at every step there are obstacles and everything is set against you. This is just an illusion. In fact, everything will go on as usual without bright drops. You just need to endure your own bad mood.