In many ancient writings, the moon is associated with female energy. This is largely due to the cyclical nature of many processes and the variability of the fair sex and Earth satellite. That is why female beauty often depends on the position of the moon in the sky.

Hair care is certainly one of the most important processes that determine the feminine appearance. In order to optimize efforts to create a great style, experts form a lunar calendar of coloring and other hair care procedures.

Effect of moon phases on staining and other procedures

For many centuries, people have noticed that transformations in appearance can change the energy of a woman as a whole. All will be important: the uniformity of the applied tone, shade, length and shape of the haircut. As a result, you can attract luck, longevity, financial stability and much more.

On the growing moon it is good to cut hair. They will grow especially actively if they are cut in the first and second quarter growth phases. To strengthen the roots and increase the density, you should shave curls on the waning moon.You can not get a haircut in the new moon, it steals a person's vitality. It is also not recommended to do this on Sunday - you can break the connection with your guardian angel.

Monthly calendar of dyeing and other hair treatments for 2024


In January, the best day for going to the salon will be the 16th. Since the Moon will be located in Taurus, the hair will perfectly transfer all the manipulations and will look much better. On this day, you can do any kind of staining. But brightening and painting gray hair will be especially effective. Also, good energy differ on January 7 and 9. These days you can shave your hair to get the desired length and shape. In addition, on January 7 and 9, extravagant colors and tints in bright colors will be excellent. Other favorable days are January 4, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27.


February 12 is perfect for changing style. The maximum benefit will bring natural masks and rinses, as well as tools that mask the gray hair. Also, a good day for transformation will be February 14th - on this day, the change of hair color and perm will be especially successful. February 18 is suitable for cutting, toning, dyeing and bleaching. It is recommended to dye hair 4, 5, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25 February.


On March 11 and 12, the growing Moon has for all sorts of procedures with hair. For coloring it is better to choose the 12th number - the effect will be amazing. But 11 is not worth dyeing hair, it will affect the relationship with loved ones is not the best way. March 18, you can do everything except perm. On this day, for the transformation you can choose bright unexpected images. You can dye your hair 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 24, 25, 30, 31 numbers.


In April, the Moon will be in Virgo. This means that hair will grow much faster. At the same time, the wave will last longer, the hairstyle will keep the shape for a long time. This is a good period for coloring in different colors and masking gray hair. Any manipulations with the hair will be useful for the energy background. Especially favorable will be the days of April 9 and 13. On the 9th, any staining will be extremely effective. Also staining will be favorable on one of these dates: 1, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.


May 6, it is good to dye your hair with natural dyes. This will allow to achieve good results not only in the image itself, but also in the work. But on May 13 you can dye your hair with any dyes - all the options will be successful. From changing the image, the mood will rise and the body will improve as a whole. May 15 is an unfavorable day for all sorts of hairdressing procedures. Some therapeutic procedures are possible, as well as the urgent need for dyeing in natural color with natural paints. In addition, you can dye your hair 4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 May.


The first favorable day in June will be the 4th. Coloring will be useful - it will attract money. This day will help decide in favor of a radical change in color preference. But the curl will fail. June 8 is suitable for any procedure, but with a curl should also be careful. On June 10, the Moon in Virgo will again present a favorable period for the treatment procedures. In addition to the beautiful appearance, they will get rid of failures. You can also sign up for painting on June 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30.


July 4th is a great day for most hair treatments. It is necessary to exclude only permanent perm. Coloring in natural shades will increase positive energy and attract good luck. Best to choose simple hairstyles. Combing the hair by the number of years lived will relieve of negative vibrations. July 6th allows all procedures, even the most complex and extravagant. Especially spectacular are shades of blond. They will positively affect the acquisition of useful links. Wellness procedures are recommended to leave on July 8 - on this day they will bring the maximum benefit.It is also recommended to dye your hair to balance sexual energy. If the proposed dates are unsuitable for some reason, then it is better to leave the hair coloring on 1, 5, 9, 10, 13, 18, 22, 27, 29 July.


August will give the ladies the maximum number of favorable days for hair care. 3 numbers The moon will be in Virgo, which will make any procedure for hair as useful as possible. If you choose natural dyes on this day, you can attract success in your work. August 12 is also suitable for any manipulations with hair. The only caveat is the recommendation not to use a lot of accessories. The moon in Capricorn does not approve of too colorful solutions. A haircut on this day will help solve some health problems. August 31 allows you to make any haircut - it will be successful. Also succeed attempt to change the hair color. The choice in favor of natural dyes will bring financial well-being. For staining, you can choose August 2, 4, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29.


September 10 is the first day in the month for which it is necessary to plan treatments for hair treatment. The moon in Aquarius allows the most daring experiments. On September 26, the Moon will be in Leo and will favor all procedures with hair except curling - the curls will not last long. But the haircut will be successful and will attract a lot of positive energy. The next favorable day in September will be the 30th. This is the time for healthy hair, all kinds of masks and balms. Coloring can be done only with natural paint. Also for coloring it is recommended to choose 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29 September.


The most favorable days for hair care in October will be the 5th and 9th. On the first of these days there are no restrictions on the procedures: it is possible to dye, shear, to form curls. All this will benefit. 9 numbers can devote a trip to the salon experiments. Definitely an unfavorable day for hair will be October 2. The exception will be only a hairstyle dull dry ends. Painted on this day is not recommended. In addition, for staining in October is to choose 5, 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27 number.


1 and 2 day of November are for haircuts. This will help improve your hair and attract material well-being. By staining assigned to 1 number, should be approached carefully. It can provoke litter and discord in the family. It is safe only for the unemployed and single. These days, the hairstyle should be voluminous, but without accessories. November 3 is also a good day. Especially well the stylist will be able to perm. Light curls attract good luck. Also, the best staining will be 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 25 November.


The moon in Taurus will attract a lot of luck to those who decided to have a haircut these days. On December 9, the Moon will be in that position. Well lighten hair, paint over gray hair. And do it better with your own hands. December 13 is better to dye hair from the master. Even an unknown stylist will cope with the task in the best possible way. Also good salon painting will be 10 numbers. But cardinal changes in the image should be avoided. On December 17, it is already possible to choose any coloring techniques and the most flashy shades - success will be achieved in any case. Festive coloring can be done on December 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29.

The use of dyeing and other procedures for the lunar calendar hair in planning will not only get a good result, but also bring the much-awaited success in business and harmony to the family.


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