The Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) is the twelfth zodiac sign, personifying an animal from the Yin group of the eastern horoscope. The coming year is the best time for those born under the auspices of Pigs. The sign is especially favorable to people born in the fall.

The color of the sign in the eastern horoscope is black, since ancient times it is considered an indicator of dignity and honor. Black also represents the ability to overcome any obstacles, to achieve goals at any cost. It was the black color that the first emperor of China wore after the victory over the Zhou dynasty, thereby showing its exclusivity. In the coming year, in addition to black, preference should be given to lavender, olive, cornflower.

Yellow Earth Pig: what to expect from the coming year

Earth Pig is considered one of the most serene and friendly signs of the horoscope. Especially lucky people born in the year of the Yellow Pig.Such lucky ones in the last century should be 9: born in 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 and 2007.

People born under the zodiac sign of the Yellow Earth Pig are associated with honesty, generosity, kindness and gentleness in others. As you know, Pigs never differed aggressive behavior and unpredictable actions, so people born in the above-mentioned year do not tolerate deceitful and hypocritical relationships.

The coming year for all signs of the horoscope promises to be favorable in the sphere of personal relations, successful in terms of career growth and financial affairs. This year can be called a respite for those who in their life strive for constant dynamics, for those who do not like to sit still and are constantly growing in the professional sphere to the detriment of family and personal relationships. Pig sincerely, tactful, neat and legible animal. It is these qualities in the coming year she will give to all people.

What to expect from the coming year of the Yellow Earthen Pig

The coming year promises radical changes in personal life for those who have not yet linked their fate with the second half. Virtually all signs favored Yellow Earth Pig gives a chance to find a beloved couple for life.

As for financial relations and any expenses, then it is worth to be on the alert. Before each purchase and other waste of money, you should carefully analyze how appropriate the amount is spent and to whom your funds will be entrusted. If there is an opportunity and time to think again about the purchase, then it is better to abandon large expenses and postpone the planned acquisition for a more favorable time.

The Yellow Earth Pig is a hard-working sign who does not like empty pastime. Therefore, the symbol of the year promises to all zodiac signs business and personal trips that will make you “run” and often sit “on suitcases”. Thanks to business trips and numerous business meetings, excellent prospects will open up with salary increases, generous promotions and growth along the career ladder.

How to celebrate New Year 2024

With the approach of the New Year, even the most avid skeptics are interested in what color to celebrate, what the symbol of the year loves and not, how to decorate the house for the upcoming holiday, etc. The Yellow Earth Pig, as the name implies, favors the whole yellow and sunny color palette. If we talk about New Year's attire, then in a trend such colors as:

  • lime with green shade
  • golden color palette
  • sunny colors with gradients

Especially impressive at the New Year's celebration will look outfit with sequins of "gold". This outfit will not only decorate its owner, but will also greatly delight the patroness of the year. It is important that your New Year's image was expensive and exclusive, that is, never worn.

As for home decoration, here you can use all the most natural shades that are present in nature. Here are relevant as the gold or yellow palette, and earth shades - brown, gray, black, green. The symbol of the year will be very pleased with the Christmas tree in gold. It will be the main decoration and symbol of the upcoming holiday.

How to decorate the house to celebrate the New Year 2024

Astrologers recommend decorating the house for the New Year's Eve in 2024 with bouquets of leaves, fresh flowers or bushes. Show your imagination and create stunning compositions with wooden fakes, bunches of mountain ash, viburnum, with fir cones, pine branches or spruce. Such a bouquet in the New Year's setting will look very unusual and colorful, because it is radically different from those decorations that we used to see in a festive setting.

Do not forget about the accompanying decorations, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the special sacrament and elegance of the New Year holiday. These can be beans, candles of the original form, acorns or chestnuts. The latter should be put under the Christmas tree or near the fireplace, because, as you know, the Pig simply loves them, so they will surely show maximum favor to your family.

What should be on the New Year's table 2024

The pig does not mind a tasty and dense meal, so the New Year's table must be varied and satisfying. On the New Year's table, you can safely put dishes of lamb, beef, rabbit, chicken. As for pork dishes, then opinions are divided. Many astrologers do not recommend cooking pork dishes in order not to offend the patroness of the year. Others, on the contrary, see nothing reprehensible in this. In any case, the choice is yours.

Give up large plates of chopped salads, citing the fact that the symbol of the year loves to eat a lot. On the contrary, the Pig is very picky about food and will not eat anything. Put a portion of salads, appetizers and cuts on the table. Cooking them is undoubtedly more difficult and longer, but to look at this New Year's table will be much more diverse.

As for drinks, you can wash down all the dishes you have prepared with a light wine, champagne or cocktail. Do not neglect strong drinks - whiskey, brandy, brandy, vodka.

Where to meet the New Year 2024

The Yellow Earth Pig is a very friendly and family symbol, but, nevertheless, it is possible to meet the New Year offensive anywhere, as long as there are loyal and close people around. As a gift, give your family something intriguing and unsigned, because as you know, Pig loves to dig in the ground in search of something new.

An ideal place to meet the New Year 2024 is the homely atmosphere with your family. Such a decision will not only unite loved ones, but will give you incredible support and understanding throughout the year.

Presented in the article tips are advisory in nature. To listen to them or not - you decide. But it is worth remembering that the festive mood remains the key to a pleasant and cheerful holiday. Forget about the problems, plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday and pleasant emotions, give yourself an incredible feeling of magic that will remain with you throughout the year.


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