Hair color and their condition are important components of the image of each girl. After all, it affects not only your appearance and first impression, but also the sense of self in general. Of course, trends change quite often, and stylists focus on different shades and coloring techniques. Therefore, mindlessly chasing fashion is not worth it. But still, we recommend that you study the information on this topic in order to find the perfect hair color for yourself. What coloring will be the most relevant in 2024? You will learn about this in today's article.

Actual hair shades 2024

First of all, it is worth noting that the most relevant in 2024 will be the average hair length. Unlike the other options, it allows you to experiment not only with coloring, but also with different hairstyles or styling.

As for shades, the trend will certainly be natural colors. In addition to them, the stylists identify several rather original, sometimes peculiar shades that will appeal to real fashionistas.In any case, it will not be easy to achieve such an effect, therefore we recommend that you record only to colorist masters with experience. Otherwise, you risk ruining your hair.

Platinum and Ashy Blonde

Luxury hair with a cool platinum or ashy tone looks really amazing. But still this option is not for everyone. It is believed that these shades are best suited for girls with pale skin and cold color type. Due to this combination, the image looks harmonious, but not tasteless.

Strawberry Blonde

A romantic shade called strawberry blond is suitable for most fair-haired girls. With it, you can soften the strict lines of appearance or give a touch of romance, playfulness to the image. But do not confuse this shade with a pink color on the hair. The fact is that in this case the shade should be visible in the sun in the form of glare. Therefore, experts recommend it not to blondes, but to owners of light-blond, wheat-colored hair. This combination looks the most natural.

Cherry shade

Owners of dark hair can also experiment. To do this, it is not necessary to paint them in bright, unusual colors. Take a closer look at the red and cherry hue. They look quite interesting. In addition, it is not necessary to paint the entire length, if desired, this can be done on individual strands or tips. This option will be especially fashionable in 2024.

Novelty dyeing hair of medium length

Despite the existence of a fairly large number of coloring techniques, every year stylists present interesting novelties. This year there are a lot of them. Therefore, we propose to consider the features of each type of staining in more detail.


This coloring technique is rather complicated, so please contact only a master with a good colorist experience. The fact is that it assumes a certain effect of radiance, which should pass along the entire perimeter of the head. That is, it will be visible not only in the sun, but also indoors.

Of course, not everyone will like this effect. But if you are ready for fashionable experiments, then the year 2024 is ideal in order to slightly change the usual hair color.


The main trend of 2024 is coloring in the “pixels” style. This technique was presented by Spanish stylists and now it is quite popular. However, it definitely does not suit every girl. First, the hair should be smooth. On curly strands it will be impossible to implement such staining. In addition, it is necessary to do the laying on a daily basis.

As for the features of this coloring, it is in clear geometric patterns. If you wish, you can make a chaotic arrangement or create a certain pattern. In any case, very few masters possess the necessary knowledge to implement such a crazy idea. Therefore, be careful when choosing a specialist in hair coloring.

Fashionable dyeing for medium hair 2024

Despite the presence of some novelties in the field of dyeing, many of the usual ones still remain fashionable in 2024. Therefore, if you are not ready for too drastic changes, then start with the more popular staining techniques.


This technique is known to many fashionistas, because it allows you to achieve a natural effect. At the same time, it can be realized not only on the average length of hair, but also on short or long hair. The main feature of such coloring is, of course, the effect of slightly sun-bleached hair. That is, barely noticeable glare, which is best seen in the sun.

For coloring most often mixed two shades. However, it all depends on your source data. Many masters prefer to work with three shades of different contrast. It should be noted that shatush can be made not only along the entire length, but also only at the tips. It all depends entirely on your preferences.


Technique called balayazh known for a long time. For such staining is also used a combination of two or three shades.However, unlike the previous version, the colors stretch along the entire length. As a result, the hair still has a natural, slightly burnt effect. But besides, visually they become a little more voluminous. That is why such staining is very often chosen by the owners of thin strands.


About the existence of a technique called ombre, probably every fashionisan heard. This is not surprising, because such staining remains popular for several years in a row. Unlike previous versions, in this case, you can make not only a natural effect, but also a more contrasting one. It all depends on the original shade of hair and your wishes.

As you can see, in 2024 there are quite a few variations of hair coloring. Therefore, choose the one that best suits you according to the type of appearance. Then the result will be really amazing.


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