Do-it-yourself organizer: Original ideas


The subject of storage of things is becoming increasingly relevant. There are even books and articles about the scientific approach to the distribution of space. In fact, all this is very exciting, one has only to start, and you will not even notice how everything in your house will be properly organized. That is why we prepared a lot of different ideas on how to make an organizer with your own hands.

Organizer for the office with their own hands

Clutter on the desktop should not be allowed in any case. It is very distracting from work and makes it difficult to concentrate. We offer you to get rid of this problem once and for all by making a suitable organizer for yourself.

do-it-yourself organizer

To create interesting and unusual organizers do not necessarily have too expensive materials. The photo is a great option to use unnecessary iron cans after processing.

Documents can also be stored not in the most simple folder. Try to make something really beautiful that will please you every day.

Another way to create an original organizer for the office.Just use paper sleeves.

Cup Organizer

Cups are a must-have item in each apartment. Tea drinking is a special ritual in many families. And in the mornings a large part of humanity cannot do without coffee. But despite the great need for cups, they rarely allocate a permanent place. Therefore, an excellent option would be the organizer.

Such an item not only performs a useful function, but also looks great as an element of decor.

Cosmetic Organizer

Almost every girl has a lot of makeup. But how not to get lost in this variety and quickly find the right thing in the morning? If you are familiar with this problem, then the organizer is the perfect solution.

By the way, magnetic boards became very fashionable in 2024. They are used literally for everything, including for cosmetics.

It looks interesting such a board in an unusual form. For example, in the form of the first letter of your name.

For brushes, you can create another organizer from a transparent container. Due to the additional decor in the form of beads, they will have a stable position.

Another budget option is to use chips packaging as a basis. Minimal decor will help to give it an attractive look. By the way, you can even keep brushes for drawing in such an organizer.

Storage of small things

Surely you often noticed that, there are various small items that do not have their place. It can be anything from threads and ribbons to pencils and pens in the kitchen. It is for such things that you need an organizer in the kitchen.

To begin, proceed to the transformation of the jars, but rather to their cleaning.

We make a paper stencil of such a shape, which will be jars and transfer it.

Carefully cut out the same size jars.

To the edges were not sharp, be sure to process them with sandpaper.

Prepare a board with holes on one level.

Screw fasteners so that the organizer is securely held on the wall, as well as pens.

When everything is ready, you can safely hang the jars and fill them with various trifles.

Organizer for accessories

Since childhood, every girl has a lot of different hair accessories. So that they are always at hand and look attractive, we recommend making a special organizer.

As for the organization of jewelry, we offer you some great ideas in the photo. Maybe among them you will find a suitable option for yourself.

Even if you do not have a frame or cardboard at home, you can use a hanger. This organizer looks very original.

For creative and creative people - amazingly stylish organizer for jewelry. Be sure that it will decorate any room.

Glasses - an essential element of the image of each girl. In addition to protecting the eyes, they make the bow complete. Agree, such accessories should definitely have a beautiful place to store. A vivid example in the photo.

Scarves love many girls, but still they have one drawback - the fabric is often quickly wrinkled. To avoid this, we recommend making a simple organizer that allows you to store them in a vertical position.

Wall Organizer for Magazines

If you like to read not only books, but also newspapers or magazines, then the wall organizer for them is what you need.

For the manufacture will need:

  • the cloth
  • thick rope
  • wooden pole
  • scissors of any size
  • sewing machine with thread
  • decorative element on which you can hang the organizer.

To begin with, we make three blanks of fabric of the same size. Each of them fold in half along the long side. Use the machine to stitch them. It turns out a kind of covers in the form of pipes.

We turn each of them to smooth.

Fold one of the covers twice in length.

The second cover is laid out on a flat surface. On top of it we put the blank folded in half. It is important that the bottom remains 10 cm cover.

We turn over and we fold the third cover twice. Remember that the seams should not be visible.

Put the third case on top of the two sewn.Attach the upper edge of the lower layer to the upper fabric with pins and sew.

We double down the last sleeve so that the front edge is 6 cm higher than the rear one.

We install a wooden pole and wrap a cover around it. Fix with pins and sew.

We tie a thick rope to the pole.

Fix the decorative element to hang the organizer.

Headphone Organizer

Storing tapes for needlewomen

Every skilled worker is familiar with the situation when different materials are confused and lost. To avoid this, you can make a simple accessory for their storage.

Jeans Organizer

Do-it-yourself organizer: step-by-step master classes

Stylish storage of small things in the bathroom

Cutlery container

Pastel color wall organizer

Organizer for small things

Basket for bath accessories

As you can see, organizers help rationally allocate space for each thing. Moreover, some of their views do look like decorative elements that are located on the walls. Be sure to try to make some of the options presented and share the results in the comments.


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