Beautiful hairstyles do it yourself for medium hair


Every girl tends to be beautiful. Of course, this concept includes many components, but still one of the most important can be called a hairstyle. To her pay attention in the first place. And the collected hair always looks attractive. We picked up a lot of master classes, thanks to which you will learn how to make the most different and beautiful hairstyles.

Hairstyles for medium hair at home

In the beauty salon, experienced masters can easily make a stylish styling or hairstyle with any long and thick hair. But still, there is not always time for this, so we suggest learning how to do it yourself.

Greek Style Hair

This hairstyle is considered the easiest for the average length of hair. To do it, you need a hoop or ribbon. At first we put it on the head and make a light fleece at the back of the head. We wrap the strands from under the ribbon to the top, thereby creating a semblance of a bundle. We remove the tips of the hair under the ribbon so that the hairstyle looks more beautiful.This option is perfect for a date or a walk on a hot summer day.

If the ribbon or wrap is not at hand, you can make a simplified version of the hairstyle. To do this, take a few curls and twist them into flagella toward the back of the head. We collect them and tie a rubber band. Then twist the strands so that the tips were in the inside.

Simple weaving

To make hair look well-groomed, it is not necessary to make a luxurious hairstyle. Simple variants of weaving are perfect for everyday life.

Romantic curls

Light, careless curls - this is exactly what is considered the most relevant this year. And if you complement them with beautiful weaving, the hairstyle will look very romantic and even solemn. That is why many girls prefer this option to visit a variety of holidays.

Trend Beams

Stylish and unusual bunches in combination with braids quickly relished the young and energetic girls. Indeed, these hairstyles emphasize the playfulness of the image and look very beautiful.

Hairstyles for medium hair do it yourself step by step

Luxurious volumetric hairstyle can make literally every girl. Just follow the instructions in the photo.

No less attractive looks the same voluminous hairstyle, but only on the top of the hair.

Unusual spike on medium hair

A simple spike can do almost every girl. Therefore, we propose to experiment a little and do something really interesting.

Be sure to prepare the necessary number of gum, as without them the hairstyle will not last long.

Daily hairstyles

If you want to do your hair at work, it is very important to remove the hair from the face. For many, this makes it difficult to concentrate. Therefore, we offer several options, among which you can choose for yourself the right one.

We separate the strands from the forehead and at the temples, after which we braid them in a braid. We cross the two braids on the back of our heads and fasten them with stealth.

Another elegant hairstyle that helps to remove hair. But unlike the previous version, in this it is created on the basis of the tail.

A similar hairstyle in childhood made many mom. This year, such a gentle styling of hair again relevant.

Low elegant bun

If a complex and unusual bundle is not yet possible, try this option. He looks tender and feminine.

A low bun in combination with a romantic curl and a thin pigtail as a hoop is perfect for visiting a holiday.

A great option for working everyday.

Unusual beam in the nodal technique.

High beam

No less beautiful than the previous version looks like a high beam. This hairstyle looks suitable for a variety of activities.

A high bun with a voluminous pigtail is the perfect solution for a romantic date.

Hairstyles from flagella

If you need to quickly do her hair, the flagella are great for this purpose. We divide the hair into several zones and twist each of them into a flagellum. After that, each assembled in a bundle and fixed invisible. Below are a few step-by-step master classes that are based precisely on weaving from flagella.

Braids Hairstyles

With the help of braids you can create really unusual hairstyles. Simple and concise options suitable for work and everyday life. And volumetric hairstyles with a pile - for parties and visits to various events.

An interesting hairstyle of three braids is very often chosen by girls as a wedding.

Despite the fact that such options are made on the same principle, visually they are quite different.

In 2024, weaving with the use of thin elastic bands is considered to be very relevant. Agree, it looks really luxurious.

Gum helps to create additional volume, so even thin hair will visually appear thicker.

Laconic hairstyle based on two braids is the perfect solution for those who prefer a business style in clothes.This combination allows you to create a harmonious image.

This hairstyle is perfect for working days. In addition, it can easily be turned into an evening version.

Interesting knot-based weaving.

Delicate hair with pigtails - ideal for hot summer days.


DIY hairstyles

To create an evening look, we recommend learning how to make a few hairstyles. Be sure that they look much more advantageous than loose hair.

Wear bouffant, if you are going to wear a luxurious evening dress.

The graceful bow will give to an image ease.

Hairstyle based on curls looks amazing.

Hairstyles for medium hair photo

If you still doubt your skills, we recommend that you try to make at least one option. After all, it is not as difficult as it may seem. It is enough to practice a little, after which you can easily do a variety of hairstyles.

Do you often braid braids or prefer loose hair?


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