To create the most objective ranking of the best schools in Moscow, many indicators were used. Among them, for example, the overall level of grades for passing the General State Exam, the Unified State Exam, victories in school olympiads and much more.

On the official website of the Department of Education, you can find the most up-to-date rating of the best general educational institutions in Moscow. In the list of about 170 lines.

An important factor was the participation of students in competitions and competitions:

  • “Museums. Parks Manors ";
  • "The link between generations will not be interrupted";
  • JuniorSkills Russia;
  • WorldSkills Russia;
  • All-Russian Olympiad of professional skill;
  • championship "Abilimpiks."

Also very important for high ranking positions are success at sporting events. In schools with high rates, children win prizes in various competitions and demonstrate strength and agility. In addition, the work of pre-school departments is carefully checked, as well as the effectiveness of crime prevention.For example, a student who is registered in the internal affairs bodies and who studies at a simple school can bring more points to his school without committing offenses during the school year. For this comparison with other similar problem children.

In the process of compiling the rating, it is not general information about the training conditions that is recorded, but specific results of tests and studies. For example: the presence of special equipment in the school is estimated to steal after the success of children in exams or competitions.

The Center for Excellence is responsible for drawing up the methodology by which the above described rating is formed. At the beginning of the process, the Moscow Mayor's Office and the Department of Education set the general directions in which the training system should be developed. After this, quantitative criteria and methodologies for calculating the final indicators are sought.

The very first rating was based on the results of the school year 2010-2011. Then the evaluation took place only on two grounds: the results of the Unified State Exam and the results of student participation in competitions and competitions. Now those methods of comparison may not seem objective enough, and data on educational institutions are incomplete.

Moscow schools rating: full list 2024

Looking through the created rating, parents should remember that when compiling it, they used data on the skills of school students and only a small degree assessed the conditions of learning. This is an important factor, because parents can choose the school that will give the child the knowledge for which they come to school. The remaining information and questions about the comfort of being in school can be assessed by visiting the selected educational institution.

Of course, the most interesting are the first 10 schools from the list:

  1. GBOU "Lyceum № 1535";
  2. Lyceum HSE;
  3. GBOU "Lyceum" Second School ";
  4. GBOU "Fifty-seventh school";
  5. State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 1580 at Moscow State Technical University named after NE Bauman;
  6. Secondary school № 179;
  7. SUNTs MSU;
  8. GBOU Moscow High School in the South-West number 1543;
  9. GBOU "Multidisciplinary Lyceum № 1501";
  10. GBOU Lyceum № 1502 at MEI".

The first lyceum in the list gained the most popularity due to the in-depth study of oriental languages. Therefore, he was given the second unofficial name "Chinese Lyceum". Together with oriental languages, French and English are taught at a high level.

"Second School" works on a program with a physical and mathematical bias. There are no elementary grades, the youngest children study in the fifth grade. As part of the school program, you can consolidate and deepen your knowledge through private conferences. Approximately the same focus was chosen by school No. 57.

Next in the ranking of educational institution GBOU "Lyceum number 1580 at the Moscow State Technical University named after NE. Baumana ”accepts only those students who have learned 6 classes and are ready to go to 7. Here you can choose one of two directions: physical and mathematical or computer-information. Almost all graduates of this lyceum enter MGTU named after M. Bauman.

The next in the list of lyceum number 1501 is a multidisciplinary with a technical bias. Here, students can conduct interesting experiments and research in the framework of the projects offered to them. Only those who have already reached the 7th grade can also come here.

School number 179 is also multi-disciplinary. The main areas of study:

  • maths;
  • biology;
  • inventions.

It is from this school that numerous winners of various Olympiads come out. To enter this educational institution is possible only from the 5th grade.

In the general access, you can find other ratings that choose certain indicators as the main criterion. But the top ten usually includes all the same educational institutions.

English school: top-ranking in Moscow

Parents seeking to give their child as many-sided education as possible, also examine the ratings of the best English schools in Moscow. In the top 10 were the following:

  1. Wall Street English;
  2. Alibra;
  3. Big Ben;
  4. American Club of Education;
  5. VKS-International House;
  6. Denis ’School;
  7. Globus International;
  8. ILS;
  9. Windsor;
  10. Bigwig

These schools became the best for the reasons of their pronounced advantages over others.For example, the leader of the Wall Street English list attracts with its flexible schedule of classes and small groups of no more than 4 people each. Alibra promises customers maximum efficiency with minimal time. As for the ratio of price and quality, according to this criterion, the Big Ben school wins. The star teaching staff went to the American Club of Education school, and the largest selection of various courses is offered by VKS-International House.

The most effective teaching approach has been demonstrated by the Denis ’School. To best prepare for tests, exams or interviews, you should contact Globus International. It is best to start learning English for kids from 3 years old at ILS school, since this is where the technique used is best suited for working with the youngest students.

If you need to prepare for the important IELTS exam, then it is best to contact Windsor. Also here you can choose the most suitable training schedule for each. The most entertaining and interesting are the lessons in the BigWig school.

Rating of private schools in Moscow

The ranking of private schools also included the best of them:

  1. Linguistic School of Economics - Lyceum;
  2. School "Heir";
  3. Moscow School of Economics;
  4. Lomonosov school (Lomonosov school);
  5. Private institution “Steps”.

These institutions received the highest scores in the EGE assessment categories, teaching staff, extra classes, foreign languages, interior design and comfort.

With this data, parents can easily choose the place where their child is studying and get maximum efficiency from it.


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