Children often ask which number is the largest. Almost all adults respond that there is no such number, without pondering the essence of the question. At first glance, everything is simple: it is enough to add one to the named “largest” number, and it is no longer as such. Scientists wondered how to call the largest number and, accordingly, determine it. First, let's talk about the names.

Names for Existing Numbers

For convenience, two naming systems are distinguished: American and English. There is also a Latin name and a Russian prefix for determining the numerical binding to ten.

Number Name (lat.) Prefix (rus.)
1 Unus An -
2 Duo Duo -
3 Tres Three -
4 Quattuor Quadri -
5 Quinque Quinty -
6 Sex Sexti -
7 Septem Septic -
8 Octo Octy -
9 Novem Noni -
10 Decem Deci -


American system

With the help of these consoles, the American and English systems are formed. In the American system, first put the Latin name of the numeral in order, after which they add the suffix "–illion". The word million comes from the Latin mille - a thousand. This is an exception. The rest is simpler: trillion, quadrillion, decillion.Names of numbers constructed in this way are used in:

  • Canada;
  • USA;
  • Russia;
  • France.

The number of zeros in the number is determined by the formula: 3 * x +3, where x is the Latin numeral.

English system

The English system has become more common around the world. I use it the former English and Spanish colonies, as well as the United Kingdom and Spain. The names in this case are constructed as follows: to the numerator from the Latin add the suffix "-illion". But the next number, unlike the American system, becomes more than 1000 times. Its name is based on the principle: Latin numeral plus the suffix "-billion". Thus, after a trillion comes a trillion, and after a quadrillion comes a quadrillion. It turns out that in both systems there is, for example, a quadrillion, but it means different numbers.

According to this system, to determine the number of zeros in those numbers that end in “–illion”, you need to use the formula 6 * x + 3, where x is a Latin numeral. Accordingly, for "billions" they use the formula 6 * x + 6. From the English way of giving names, only the word billion was transferred to Russian. You can also find the use of the word trillion in Russian-language resources. This is also an exception. It means a quadrillion - 1000 trillion.

What follows huge numbers

For a complete understanding, you should list the names of already known numbers (ordinal), starting from the beginning:

  • Unit;
  • Ten;
  • Hundred;
  • Thousand;
  • Million;
  • Billion;
  • Trillion;
  • Quadrillion;
  • Quintillion;
  • Sextillion;
  • Septillion;
  • Octillion;
  • Quintillion;
  • Decillion;
  • Vigintillion;
  • Centillion;
  • Milleillion

The last number is the largest number with its own name. All others are compound words for numbers. Combining consoles allows you to give the name to hundreds of thousands of numbers:

  • Andecilion;
  • Duodecillion;
  • Tredetsillionion;
  • Quattordecillion;
  • Quindecillion;
  • Sexdecillion;
  • Septemdecillion;
  • Octodecylillion;
  • Novemdecillion and others.

Non-system numbers

There are a number of numbers that do not have Latin prefixes.

  • Myriad gained fame in Greece. This number is 10,000 (hundreds of hundreds), and the numbers more than it were simply not named then.
  • Googol is a dozen to the hundredth degree or one with a hundred zeros. The name first appeared in 1938 in the American journal Scripta Mathematica.
  • Asankheya is translated as "innumerable." It is believed that this number is equal to the number of cosmic cycles that are necessary to achieve nirvana. This is 10 with 140 zeros after.
  • A googleplex is a one with google zeros. Like Google, this number was opened by Kasner.
  • The Scuse number (Sk1) is e to the power of e to the power of e to the power of 79. Since the value of the number depends on e, it will be non-integer.
  • The second Scuse number is denoted as Sk2. It is 10 to 10 degrees to 10 degrees to the degree 963.
  • Mega - prefix to the SI system. It means 10 to 6 degrees.
  • Megiston - 10 [5].
  • Moser is the number 2 in Megagon2 [2 [5]].
  • Graham number G64 - some very large degree of the three, used in Ramsey theory to solve some problems. The number was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Stasplex G100 - the number invented by Stanislav Kozlovsky. In the title, he combined his name with a Latin word meaning “weave”. Kozlovsky wanted to come up with a number greater than this famous Graham number. We can assume that he managed it and today it’s G100 is the largest number in the world.

It is completely unnecessary for the average person to know all these numbers. Most of them are needed to solve complex mathematical problems, the features of which most of us do not even represent. But the name of the largest number in the world is worth remembering. This will perfectly complement the knowledge of an erudite person in exact sciences.


  1. Nfyz

    The largest number - petroxylion - it is so huge that humanity can never count the number of digits in it, while the petroxilion contains the petroxilion of digits)) The web has a page with the proof of this number))


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