An integral part of an attractive female image - a beautiful, well-groomed hairstyle, which include haircut cascade. Properly chosen haircut is able to create a real miracle with a female appearance, will help make her more feminine, younger and more seductive. It is necessary to approach the choice of a hairdress with all responsibility, preferring the hairstyles suitable on structure and a hair color, lines and an oval of the person.

Important features of a haircut cascade

Haircut cascade is often confused with the so-called "ladder". However, these are completely different haircuts with dramatic differences. At the cascade, the hair is clipped along the entire length from the top of the head, while as a ladder it means processing only the tips.

In a haircut cascade, the upper layers of the hair are always slightly shorter than the lower ones, due to which the desired shape and volume is achieved. The technique of creating such a multi-layered haircut is quite complicated and takes a lot of time to perfect it.Proper haircut cascade implies smooth transitions of length, which are carefully veiled and do not catch the eye. Different length of the tips is considered the main highlight of the haircut cascade, so they are trying to emphasize in every way.

Haircut cascade has several varieties:

  • haircut with a smooth transition of length - the effect is achieved due to the increased number of layers and additional careful filing
  • torn cascade - multi-stage haircut, where the transitions are more noticeable
  • graduated cascade - strands are clipped at an angle, which gives the shearing an extra volume along the entire length, starting from the top

Who is suitable haircut cascade

Haircut cascade like many girls just because it looks great on almost all types of faces. It is important to choose the right way to perform a cascade. We offer some tips from professional stylists to help you decide on the choice of haircut:

  • The owners of a round face fit haircut with long front strands that do not reach the chin line. The top of the head becomes more voluminous, and the bangs are oblique or long.
  • narrow-faced girls do thick bangs, and hairs are shaped like feathers up to the middle of the forehead. The top of the head is made less voluminous; on medium hair, the cascade begins to be cut off starting from the ears.
  • narrow chin owners will have a haircut where the main volume is concentrated on the lower part of the face, that is, the layers begin to cut a little higher than the chin

Pros and cons haircuts cascade

Cascade has many advantages that are successfully used to create a chic well-groomed image. Among them:

  • haircut fits all, it is universal for all types of hair and face shape
  • hair becomes more voluminous and light
  • haircut helps to adjust the shape of the face
  • the cascade can be performed on straight, wavy and very curly hair
  • haircut is appropriate in a business and youth manner
  • the hairstyle does not need complicated styling and care

Among the disadvantages of a haircut cascade can be identified:

  • hair casually scattered over the shoulders, look, of course, feminine, but this haircut does not fit girls leading an active lifestyle. Hair will constantly climb in the face and interfere.
  • The hairline cascade that is thick on nature to hair can give additional undesirable volume. Lay such a shock of hair will be much more difficult.
  • the cascade looks perfect only if a master professional has worked on it. In the absence of experience, the cascade will look careless and careless.
  • haircut cascade needs to be adjusted periodically, so be prepared to visit the beauty salon at least once every 2 months

Short hair cascade haircut 2024

Haircut cascade for short hair will help girls who want to see voluminous, light and airy strands. This hairstyle does not need complex care and allows its owner to regularly change images without going to a beauty salon.

Haircut cascade for short hair is performed in several ways:

  • classic cascade - the transition between the length runs from the top of the head to the tips. This option is suitable for all, without exception, even the ladies of old age.
  • cascade with torn strands - uneven curls dominate in the haircut, which focus on certain areas of the head, for example, the crown or temples
  • frozen cascade - haircut with curls of approximately the same size over the entire length and torn tips

Haircut cascade for short hair is universal. It will suit the owners of straight and wavy hair. Careful thinning helps to achieve a hairstyle, while experienced craftsmen perform this procedure with a sharp razor.

Haircut cascade for medium hair 2024

Cascade options for medium hair set. The choice depends on the oval of the face, the structure and condition of the hair. The most relevant option for modern girls is a cascade with straight bangs. Not all women can afford such a haircut, because it requires a perfect face in all respects.That bang will help hide or correct the flaws of the face and create a beautiful hairstyle. Haircut with straight bangs looks great on owners of an elongated face. Thick straight bangs make the face visually shorter, hiding wrinkles on the forehead.

Original and fresh looks cascade with oblique bangs. The length of the bangs may vary. Some make haircuts with bangs to the side, others leave the length to the level of the cheekbones. The most striking looks haircut with extremely long bangs, literally covering the entire face. Often, such a long bang is divided into two strands and neatly laid on two sides.

Haircut cascade on long hair 2024

The cascade on long hair looks unusually stylish and feminine. Haircut is ideal for girls who want to bring something new and original to their image without sticking long curls.

Haircut cascade on long hair does not affect the bulk of curls. Only the upper front part of the hair, at least 1.5-2 cm wide, is exposed to boring. It is this so-called control strand that is cut to the desired length. Usually the shortest strands are performed at the level of the chin, and the rest gradually increase, reaching the main length of the hair.

Haircut cascade like fashion women not only due to the attractive appearance, easy styling and ease of implementation. Hair with a cascading haircut is easy to collect in a bun or tail, if we are talking about medium and long hair. If you are not ready for stylish experiments, then the cascade is exactly what you need. If you prefer original and extravagant images, then a short hair cascade will also help you out.


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