The tattoo with inscriptions is one of the most popular versions of the body image, with the help of which men and girls express their thoughts, experiences and life priorities. Among all the tattoos with inscriptions a special place is occupied by phrases written in Latin and this is quite justified. The thing is that it is an ancient language that was used in Europe. Latin is the language of philosophers, rulers, generals and learned luminaries, known throughout the world. Hippocrates, Aristotle, Julius Caesar - this is only a small part of famous personalities speaking this ancient language.

In the modern world, Latin is a dead language that is not relevant, but at the same time it has left an indelible mark on itself. Inscriptions in Latin are full of deep philosophical meaning, among them is full of aphorisms that are relevant to this day. At the moment, the great ancient sayings are a beautiful and original way of displaying your inner world, your principles and ideals with the help of a wearable image.

A curious fact! Latin, though out of active use, but, as before, is the official language in the Vatican. Here it serves as the official language used for conducting worship ceremonies and maintaining church documentation.


Popular tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation

Each phrase written in Latin is a sentence filled with deep philosophical meaning. The choice of text depends only on what the owner wants to invest in a tattoo. Among the most popular phrases include:

  • Sola mater Amanda est et pater honestandus est - only mother deserves love, respect father.
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - while I breathe, I love and believe.
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words.
  • Fortes fortuna adjuvat - fortunate fate helps.
  • Per aspera ad astra - through thorns to the stars.
  • Si vis pacem, para bellum - if you want peace, get ready for war.
  • Dum spiro, spero! - While I breathe I hope!
  • Veni, vidi, vici - came, saw, won.

“Love conquers all”

“Remember about life”

“I came, I saw, I won”

"Seize the day"

"No pain"

"Through hardship to the stars"

“First among equals”

"To each his own"

The value of tattoos in Latin

Inscriptions made in Latin are a great way to put a phrase on your body that is filled with a deep philosophical meaning and is suitable for intellectually developed people thinking about being, life and its meaning. Each phrase written in Latin has a special meaning and a deep meaning, which is often understood only by the owner of the tattoo. Latin helps to hide its credo and sacral thoughts from others, because not everyone can understand the inscription made in a dead language.

  A tattoo with an inscription in Latin is a talisman, a talisman who constantly reminds his owner of what is important to him. The inscription can symbolize thoughts, priorities and remind of what the owner of the body image is striving for. Before choosing a phrase for a tattoo it is necessary to find out its exact translation, make sure of its accuracy by analyzing several sources in order to eliminate possible typos and errors.

Popular phrases in Latin

As mentioned earlier, Latin is a language that is out of circulation and is not used anywhere. Despite this, a great number of philosophical quotes and sayings on various topics have reached our time, the translation of which attracts both men and women. As for girls, they prefer phrases on the topic of family and relationships, love and loyalty. But representatives of the stronger sex love phrases on the topic of life and death. Creative and inspired people choose sayings about freedom, disobedience of character and destiny.

Tattoos with inscriptions in Latin are very popular these days, but when were they first used? If you believe the historical data, for the first time began to put on the body sayings in Latin as far back as the Middle Ages. People who have dedicated their lives to religion, filled the body with quotations and oaths from the Bible, symbolizing their loyalty and the steadfastness of faith.

Latin tattoo style

For tattoos with philosophical and deep inscriptions in Latin, you can use almost any of the known styles of tattoos. The choice of technique depends on the size of the quotation, its location and the meaning with which the sentence is filled. Among the most popular options:

  • Ornate artsy phrases with monograms.
  • Solemn, but at the same time strict Gothic style.
  • Printed letters that seem to be carved on the body.
  • The sayings that are part of the composition.
  • The inscription with an ornament.

The inscription, which has a deep philosophical meaning, should not only remind of life position and priorities, but also externally please, having a decorative form. Due to this, the image will not only be filled with a huge meaning, but also attracts with its beauty, an original variation that attracts not only its owner, but also the surrounding people.It is worth noting that not every master is capable of performing a tattoo in Latin qualitatively, therefore before applying the phrase on the body you need to make sure that the tattoo artist will cope with his task by reviewing his portfolio of finished works.

Choosing a place for a tattoo in Latin: on the arm, back and other parts of the body

The location of the tattoo on the body depends on the shape and size of the picture, as well as the meaning of the phrase used. For example, long strings look best on the clavicle or on the arm. Small sayings, written in small print, but filled with deep meaning, look good on the girl's foot. A large text, quote, or phrase written in large print looks best on the shoulder blade or the area between the shoulder blades. This version of the tattoo with a phrase in Latin looks original, both on the back of a girl and a man. Large tattoo images, supplemented with inscriptions, it is best to have on the ribs or back.

Also, the use of more original ideas is not excluded, for example, among the latest original solutions - half application of the phrase on two hands. In this case, each part of the phrase makes a lot of sense, but you can only reveal the full wisdom of the philosophical maxim by aligning the arms. Approach to the choice of place on the body for a tattoo should be extremely responsible, because it is for life. Phrases in Latin are charms, amulets and motivators that do not always need to be placed on a visible part of the body.



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