Very soon the Red Fire Rooster will cede its rights to the responsible and friendly symbol of 2024 - the Yellow Earth Dog. The coming year promises us balance, inner peace, order in affairs and family life.

On the eve of the New Year, women of all ages are storming shops, boutiques, the Internet in search of the best outfit for the holiday. To choose a suitable image you need to know about the basic preferences of the symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Earth Dog.

Correct New Year's Eve 2024

Yellow is the main color of the year. But it does not mean at all that you need to limit yourself only to this shade. In addition to the yellow Earthen Dog to the liking of green (as a symbol of grass and leaves), golden, brown, beige, gray as the main shades of the earth.

Use the blue color in outfits should be very careful, diluting it with green or yellow. Different blue shades - turquoise, moray, aqua also perfectly fit into the New Year's images.

As decorations you can use gems, accessories made of copper or bronze, wood, etc. The Land Dog is not picky about such elements of the image, like, for example, the Dragon or the capricious Rooster.

New Year's Eve sign of the zodiac

We decided on the basic colors that should be present in the New Year's dress. But each sign of the zodiac has its own character, preferences, which affects the choice of the best image for the New Year.


For girls born under this sign of the zodiac, choose an outfit is very difficult. They should combine in their image modesty and notes of provocative moods.

If this dress is “to the floor”, then in combination with such elements as bare shoulders, maximum neckline or deep cleavage.

Choose clothes of saturated colors - emerald, wine, black. Complement the image with accessories in the form of jewelry and bright makeup.


According to astrologers, Taurus simply must shine at the New Year celebration. This effect can be achieved by the predominance of a golden hue in the image.

Wearing a full gold dress is still not worth it, such an outfit will look pathetic. But to use embroidery with a gold thread or other decorations of this color is possible without restrictions.

For the New Year's corporate party, choose a sheath dress or models with a detachable skirt. For a party with friends, you can create a more informal look with a short cocktail dress with the obligatory presence of gold decor.


Astrologers advise twins to choose more modest and restrained attire. But this image is not always appropriate for New Year celebrations.

To the aid of the representatives of this zodiac sign come stylists who recommend to complement plain dresses of direct cut with bright and extravagant accessories.

The simplicity of the cut can be compensated by a rich color range. Choose a rich green, yellow or coral color.


Retro dress will allow to give an image mysteriousness and charm inherent to many representatives of this zodiac sign. They look great on Rakah girls, making their image incredibly feminine and noble.

Pay attention also to dresses in oriental style. Light chiffon silk fabrics trimmed with gold embroidery or gloss will make the girl incredibly attractive on New Year's Eve.

a lion

Undoubtedly, Lioness Girls should dress in luxurious dresses with rich decor. In the coming year, despite the primacy of the Earth Dog, they can choose the outfit that they prefer.

As for colors, but on New Year's Eve, representatives of this sign of the zodiac will be the brightest. Orange, gold, red, yellow colors will prevail in their images.


Astrologers advise Virgo outfits of deep shades and smooth fabrics. Satin and silk outfits will make girls irresistible at the New Year's celebration.


Accessories and jewelry - this is what the Libra girls should pay attention to when choosing a dress for a celebration.

Simple concise styles of dresses should be compensated by trim of fur, sequins, feathers, boa. The decor may be present on the collar, cuffs or the edge of the dress.

Do not forget about the hair accessories and handbag with the obligatory decor in the form of lush pompons.


Representatives of this sign are extravagant in the choice of clothes, so any restrictions and recommendations for them are not acceptable. They rely only on personal opinion and flair.

Despite this, it is better to listen to the advice of astrologers and refrain from pretentious and provocative images.

Scorpio women need to pay attention to sheath-dresses, skirts of various styles and retro-style blouses. The best dress for the festive New Year's Eve will be a wrap-around dress with a smell.


Balance and calm character - a distinctive feature of calculating Sagittarius. Such personality traits affect the choice of clothes.

In the New Year's Eve, gentle images of flowing fabrics will suit the women-Streltsy.

Original styles with deflated shoulders, draperies and multi-layered ruffles emphasize the beauty of the female figure. Prefer outfits in pastel colors that will make your look playful and romantic.


Stylists advise Capricorn girls to look at the outfit with an abundance of floral and floral prints.

Such an image will surely be noticed, since it does not fundamentally fit into the concept of a New Year's dress. However, you can set a good example for other fashionistas and show that the cold is no reason to forget about the warm summer.

Undoubtedly, should take into account the style of celebration. If these are simple gatherings with friends, then you can get by with a short dress with a small floral pattern.


Women of Aquarius in the New Year can feel like a real film star. It is the celebrities' outfits in which they appear at the ceremonial events, it is advised that stylists try on representatives of this zodiac sign.

The image with a spectacular long dress with a small train, expressive neckline, open back will be the most memorable at the celebration.


Sequins and iridescent rhinestones that resemble fish scales should be the main adornment of Pisces women.

Your image will be truly chic if you complement it with a lace cape or bolero.

To believe or not predicted by astrologers - a controversial issue. However, it’s not worthwhile to cross the preferences of the symbol of the coming year to the Yellow Earth Dog.

Give your image a maximum of attention on the New Year's celebration and throughout the year you will be accompanied by good luck and prosperity.

Happy New Year, dear readers!


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