Spring break is the most long-awaited time for schoolchildren. The long and tense third quarter is very tiring, so a well-deserved rest is simply necessary for the children.

For graduates, this is a time for a small respite before a decisive breakthrough in preparation for the Unified State Exam and OGE, and for spring school students for an elementary school the opportunity to sleep a bit longer and do outdoor games in the fresh spring air.

Many circumstances interfere in the educational process of many educational institutions, which can significantly shorten the duration of the holidays or even deprive students of rest.

How many schoolchildren will have a rest during spring break 2024

According to the federal law “On Education of the Russian Federation”, each educational institution has the right to decide how schoolchildren will be engaged - in quarters or trimesters and determine the terms of holidays for students. Based on this set the period and duration of the holidays.

The duration of 3 quarters is 10 weeks for students in grades 1 and 11 weeks for students from grades 2-11. This period is set by the education authorities at the federal level and is of a recommendatory nature.

Regional education authorities establish a schedule of days free from school, based on the specifics of the school, climatic conditions. In turn, these instructions are given to familiarize school principals, who can make their own adjustments to them. Thus, the general schedule of spring and all other holidays, which would be mandatory for execution throughout the country, does not exist.

The duration of the holidays also depends on the region. In the northern part of the country, so to say “on the ground” it is better to know when it is better to arrange for children to rest, based on weather conditions and the epidemiological situation.

The dates of spring break recommended by federal education authorities are from March 24 to April 1, 2024.

In cities of federal significance, these dates differ slightly. In Moscow, spring holidays for students of secondary schools will begin on April 1 and end on April 8, in St. Petersburg - holidays will last from March 24 to April 1.

Spring holidays for schools with a trimester education system

A small part of the schools in Russia chose the main trimester education system instead of the usual system in quarters. In such schools, holidays are provided at the end and in the middle of the trimester. Vacations of pupils of such schools coincide with the quarter only in the summer and on the New Year. Dates of spring and autumn holidays vary considerably.

The bulk of the schools enrolled in the trimester system are located in Moscow and the Moscow Region. It is much easier for parents to contact the department of education and find out the exact date of the beginning of spring break in a particular school.

In 2024, the recommended spring break dates for the trimester training system are:

  • February 18-25 - rest at the end of the winter trimester
  • April 8th to 15th - official spring break

What can affect the duration of spring break

Often, schools arrange additional vacations for schoolchildren, which may affect the duration of the official spring break or their cancellation altogether. There are several reasons:

  • low air temperature - the traditional winter frost is a real joy for many students. When the air temperature is below 25 degrees below zero, classes for elementary school students are canceled, at 28 degrees for middle school students and for students below 30 degrees for senior students. In such situations, regional authorities operate with the phrase “at the discretion of parents”, therefore, even at - 20 degrees many students do not attend school.
  • low temperature in an educational institution - poorly heated classrooms where the air temperature does not rise above 18 degrees are not suitable for classes. In this case, the lessons are canceled until a comfortable temperature is reached in the offices.
  • quarantine - what academic year rarely does without the notorious quarantine. An excess of the incidence threshold can be declared in a particular district, city, school or classroom. Classes are canceled when the incidence of ARVI or other catarrhal diseases exceeds 25% of the total number of students.

These factors can affect the duration of spring break. Some schools even cancel the rest for pupils in order to “catch up” with the curriculum. Clarify the exact date of spring break is needed from the school management. As a rule, such information is published on the official Internet resources of the educational institution or communicated to parents by class teachers.


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