A showcase is the face of the store. First of all, this is what buyers see at the entrance. Therefore, each brand, maintaining its prestige at the proper level, is very scrupulous about window dressing. Large international companies have entire staffs of merchandiser professionals who are engaged in window dressing. The so-called window dressers develop an individual concept for each window, after analyzing the needs of customers, demand and sales. Showcases for fashion stores, bedding or colors are completely different, but they all follow the general principles of sales and style.

Clothing store window

Proper window dressing is the floor of the store’s success, especially with regard to fashion boutiques. The design concept of such windows should attract customers and not allow them to pass by.

There are two main approaches to window dressing of clothing stores:

1. Product design. An elegant and fairly simple solution for the showcase. It presents well-designed images on mannequins.Buyers are always attracted by the total look when ready-made kits are shown - clothes, shoes, accessories. And it is possible that this kit will appeal to the buyer, and he will certainly wish to buy it.

It is important that the presented outfits on the mannequins were not only trendy, but also “wearable”. After all, creative design things are not always appropriate for everyday bows in a provincial town. Therefore, professional merchandisers should consider this aspect.

2. Subject design.

Real skill is the ability to create harmonious plots in shop windows. These can be scenes from life or real stories with their characteristic characters. This design expresses emotions attracting more buyers.

For example, a New Year's shop window is like a fairy tale. Awesome evening dress on a mannequin, a scene from a Christmas movie or a group of mannequins with Christmas decorations - you can endlessly fantasize!

The principle of decoration of sales windows differs from the design of those that adorn stores in the season. They are brighter, catchy and eye-catching. The attention here is attracted by bright colors on banners and ribbons with price tags. Most often on the sales window indicate the maximum percentage of discounts.

Consider a few more rules for window dressing of clothing stores:

  • scenery, clothing and mannequins must be presented in perfect condition. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of windows, regularly wiping dust, not forgetting about mannequins. Their clothes should be steamed to look as harmonious as possible. If necessary, adjust the size, pinching things in inconspicuous places with pins;

  • light accents should be placed correctly. As a rule, the light is directed to the center of the dummy. If there are other important elements of the storefront (posters, banners, price tags), you must select them;

  • in no case can not be cluttered. Conciseness, style and elegance - above all!

Showcase children's shop

Children's stores showcases are more colorful and often cartoony. Here, scene scenery is more often used, since it is much more interesting for kids to look at dummies in such an impressive fairy-tale setting.

Many well-known brands of children's clothing prefer to arrange windows in the same style as adult shops: discreetly, strictly, elegantly. This concept is more focused on parents, who are pleased to watch their small copies from the outside.

Another approach to the design of a children's display case is a celebration, colors and accessories that attract the attention of children.

The choice of the stylistic direction of the shop window mainly depends on the concept of a particular brand. But still there are general rules that should always be followed:

  • no need to use more than 3 primary colors;
  • the showcase should not be overloaded with goods, decorations, accessories;
  • the use of colorful price tags is welcome;
  • it is better to place soft toys and dolls on the shelves, large toys - right on the floor;
  • children's designers should be presented assembled, and branded beautiful packaging will be well put near the goods.
  • showcases of children's clothing stores are made taking into account the age category (schoolchildren, toddlers, babies). Combining age is undesirable.
  • as in other stores, the children's showcase should change during the season.

Showcase store bedding

Shops with bed linen and household utensils, first of all, are designed for the female part of the population. They should have a special atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.

The design of shop windows most often uses pastel soft shades: powdery, creamy, pink, milky, beige, etc. The plot design is welcome, which evokes thoughts about a home bedroom or any other room. This will help items such as furniture, textiles, dishes, vases of flowers, beautiful candlesticks, souvenirs and much more. The exposition of bed linen is almost always presented right on the luxurious bed.

Flower Shop Showcase

Cheerful, bright flower shop windows, regardless of the weather and season, should convey a festive mood. But it is equally important to choose the right concept and style of decoration. There are some nuances:

  • show-windows with fresh flowers demand observance of a certain temperature condition and sufficient lighting;
  • all fasteners, shelves and racks must be stable and reliable;
  • glass accessories and parts (vases, flasks, shelves) make exponential composition easier and weightless. On the showcase the glass should be crystal clear.
  • Flower showcase may contain additional items and products: beautiful parchment, postcards, toys, artificial flowers, cones, branches and others. But all the scenery should be designed in the same stylistic direction.

Holiday and themed show-windows of flower shops are very effective. Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas, March 8 - a great opportunity to create a bright, festive storyline.

Creative shop windows in the photo

Have you ever come across original display cases? Which ones are most impressed? Share stories in the comments.


  1. Tatyana

    Thank. I received a lot of instructive information and interesting ideas. The showcases provided are awesome! The only question was how and where large items are purchased for its decoration. For example: a hat, a hanger, a tube of paint, a shoe, etc.


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