Hair - this is what first of all people pay attention to. Indeed, by the color of hair and hair in general, a lot can be said about the girl and her character. But, every year the trends change, new types and techniques of staining appear. And it is very difficult to resist not to try something new. If you are ready to experiment, for you we have an amazing collection of photos with very different and even bold hair coloring options.

General trends

2017 will be a year of change for many of the fair sex. The thing is that this season only the unnatural shade of the blond and the blue-black color will go out of fashion. And all the other tones will again be in trend. And even dramatic and unusual changes will be welcome. But, the greatest popularity this year will have natural shades. These include: chocolate, wheat, gold, red, chestnut and other natural, natural colors.

Coloring for blondes

Many famous stylists this year prefer natural blond.It is important not to make hair unnaturally bleached, but to use the coloring technique. This will give a light caramel, honey or golden tone.

It is also better to refuse yellowness. Such a hair color looks much more beautiful when the tips are light, while the roots are slightly darkened. A similar effect is obtained when the hair fade in the sun.

This year's trendy shades - platinum, gray and ashen. But most of all, they are suitable for girls with the “winter” color type. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the attention of others, then boldly experiment and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Coloring in red

If you have a natural red hair color, then you are incredibly lucky. After all, it was this year, thanks to top fashion stylists and trendsetters, that he gained just crazy popularity. Therefore, many girls tend to get at least a muted shade of red on their hair.

But violent, bright autumn colors also have a place in the list of trends this year. Golden, copper, reddish and even burgundy colors will be relevant and in demand.

Coloring blond hair

As for light brown hair, this is one of the most fashionable in this year natural shades. World-renowned stylists called it such. Moreover, it is very common among Slavic women, so it will not be difficult to make it more saturated. As a result, you get the natural color of the strands, which seemed not to be subjected to additional staining.

Fashionable coloring for brunettes

Girls, whom nature has awarded with dark hair and can do nothing at all. After all, this color scheme excludes only the blue-black color from the list of trend.

Owners of brown eyes can emphasize their beauty with a nutty, cognac or coffee shade. Girls with blue or bright blue eyes are more suitable for cold, ashy tones of a dark blond color.

And of course, the coal-black color will not be ignored this year. As in past seasons, it is best suited for short haircuts and non-standard styling. And also in fashion will be interspersed in the form of burgundy, blue and purple strands.

Unusual coloring

Since the symbol of 2024 is the Fire Rooster, this could not but affect the trends in coloring. Therefore, the popular shades of this season will be:

  • light pink

  • green

  • blue

  • Orange

  • Violet

  • ruby.

You can either completely dye your hair, or select individual strands, or make smooth transitions. Often, hairdressers do coloring of the tips of the strands. Of course, such experiments will suit not every girl. But if you are young, eccentric, outrageous and active, then this option is the best way to emphasize your bright personality.


As for the coloring techniques, then, as in the past year, the technique is still in the lead. And all because it is quite versatile and will suit both ladies aged and very young girls. The peculiarity of this coloring is a fairly clear contrast between the two shades. Nevertheless, the result looks very interesting.


Unlike the previous technique, sombre allows you to make a gradient staining. That is, the transition of colors will not be too obvious, but even close to the natural burning of hair in the sun. This technique is suitable if you do not want to drastically change the color of the hair, but want to refresh it a little. By the way, this option is perfect for painting gray hair.


Many girls have completely forgotten about such a coloring technique, as highlighting. But, unlike past years, this year you need to use shades that differ by only a couple of tones from the original. You can also do Californian highlighting or French. Each of them looks different. Therefore, it is better to consult with a stylist, so that the result exceeds all your expectations.


This technique is quite new. Perhaps some hairdressers do not own it yet. So try to contact the modern salons.The meaning of this coloring in the right combination of two shades of the same color. In the end, you get a natural effect, barely burnt hair. Many people confuse this method with shatush. But the difference between them is quite large. And it lies in the method of applying paint.

As you can see, in 2024 there are no restrictions. On the contrary, you can translate absolutely any idea of ​​hair dyeing into reality. But whichever option you choose, try to contact only graduates. Since only professionals can not only do what you want, but also keep your hair in good condition.


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